Anyone know if there's a Grand Prix 4 demo? If so where can I download it
Anyone know if there's a Grand Prix 4 demo? If so where can I download it
There was a GP3 demo a few weeks after GP3 came out
Dunno about GP4 - they might be too embarrased
> > Hey peps,
> > Anyone know if there's a Grand Prix 4 demo? If so where can I download
> > from?
> > Thanks,
> > Jeff
> There was a GP3 demo a few weeks after GP3 came out
> Dunno about GP4 - they might be too embarrased
> Doug
Just read back down to archives of this NG.
I think the opinions are about 80% this sucks and 20% this rocks
I've found it okay, but its no match for GT3 on the PS2
> > Really? It's that bad? I was under the impression that a lot of work
> > (good work) was going into this version. Damn, that sounds
> > disappointing.......
> Just read back down to archives of this NG.
> I think the opinions are about 80% this sucks and 20% this rocks
> Doug
Its not bad but would better be described as a GP3 service pack. All the
irritating features (black flags etc) remain.
GP 2 should do nicely<G>
>>Sounds like you need to suck a lot of rocks in order to enjoy GP4 then :)
>>I've found it okay, but its no match for GT3 on the PS2
>We just got a PS2 system yesterday and the first game I have played on
>it is GT3. Now I don't have a wheel for it so it's hard to compare.
>But, my first opion of GT3 is that while it has lots to offer, it
>borders more on arcade racer than simulation and is no match for even
>GP3/4 on a PC. I will have some fun with GT3 on the PS2, but my bread
>and butter simming will be done on the PC. I rate GT3 physics on about
>the same scale as SCGT on the PC, maybe a bit worse in fact.
GTA3 is great; you need quite a nice PC to match the PS2
performance-wise, it turned out here.
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
Pencil art :
Wait for a few weeks until you get to the actual simulation part, with tyre
wear, pitting, and no driving aids. Oh, and get a wheel (a MOMO should do
just fine). Then compare. When you first get GT3 and try out the arcade mode
it seems that way, but it does get quite a bit better.
>>They are just 2 different programs which cater quite a different
>>audience (or rather, desire; when just going for a drive, use GT3,
>>when you want some more serious driving, use GP4 or better F12k2).
>Yes, I understand that. But when you get these guys comning in here
>and making out like it blows anything away on the PC, well, it's just
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
Pencil art :
Don't get me wrong, I think GT3 is one terrific game and maybe worth the
getting a PS2 for all alone. The graphics are great, the sound excellent,
the fun-factor very high. But it isn't the last word in racing simulation.
> I did try it simulation mode too. I like it but it doesn't have the
> high fidelity feel of a N2002 to me. As you say though, I should
> really try it with a wheel in all fairness. But I don't want to have
> to buy another expensive wheel. Already have two. PS2 is in the living
> room anyway and there is no where to attach a wheel. It will have to
> be played using a gamepad unfortunately.
> >Wait for a few weeks until you get to the actual simulation part, with
> >wear, pitting, and no driving aids. Oh, and get a wheel (a MOMO should do
> >just fine). Then compare. When you first get GT3 and try out the arcade
> >it seems that way, but it does get quite a bit better.
> Don't get me wrong, I think GT3 is one terrific game and maybe worth the
> getting a PS2 for all alone. The graphics are great, the sound excellent,
> the fun-factor very high. But it isn't the last word in racing
I never said it was, and I don't think it is the last word in simulation. It
just gets better the deeper you go.
>I never said it was, and I don't think it is the last word in simulation. It
>just gets better the deeper you go.
[from another post of yours]
I'm confused. Isn't "professional difficulty" in arcade mode, ie the one
that requires hitting the L2+R2 buttons or somesuch after clearing the
difficult level? In the sim mode, you always have the choice of how much
traction and/or stability control to use from the Change Settings menu. ABS,
on the other hand, is always on. No way to disable. In the arcade mode, you
can choose to disable traction & stability from the Options menu. Perhaps it
is automatically turned off in "professional"?
There is 'arcade' professional (hold L1+R1 on the difficulty screen), and
'simulation' professional. More things change than just the state of the
driving aids, so turning the aids off in easy mode isn't the same as driving
on the professional mode in the GT side of the game.