And (of the Muslim attacks you listed) Muslims will say that those are just
responses to attacks such as each of the 10,000+ bombs and missles that they
view as individual terrorist attacks on a country like Iraq launched by the
US which just killed 1000,000 of their people. They will say the US has been
terrorizing their people for decades.
As an example, Iranians will say that the US called Saddam our friend, gave
Saddam chemical weapons, and helped Saddam use those weapons against their
people. All 100% true.
The US then turns around and calls Saddam a madman a handful of years later.
Bush in his speaches
scares the most gullible and uninformed of the American people (and there
are a lot of them -- 83% of Americans couldn't even find Iraq on a map even
though the first civilization began there 4,000 years ago) by pointing out
how Saddam used chemical weapons, but conveniently doesn't remind people in
those same speaches how *we* gave them to him, encouraged him to use them,
and assisted him in using them against Iranian soldiers. That makes him and
us, f**ken liars. Every single time he made that reference to Saddam in all
those speaches, and
didn't mention his daddy's and Rumsfeld's help, he was *lying*.
David G Fisher---From the only country in the world that ever slaughtered
250,000 innocent civilians with WMD, and then danced in the streets