GWB is the best president America ever had


GWB is the best president America ever had

by bob » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:08:00

It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French) to
the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the only
leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Fillyourboot » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:25:20

> It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the
> French) to the media and believe the lies propagated against
> President Bush, the only leader who has the guts to stand up to
> Terror.

Who is this 'Terror' bloke?


Jan Verschuere

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:34:53

Bob Ge

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Bob Ge » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:34:51

: It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French) to
: the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the only
: leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.

Jan Verschuere

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:37:16

> <snip>

Err... I never intended to post anything in reply to this troll. Whatever
happened to put the empty quote up here was unintentional.


Andrew MacPhers

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Andrew MacPhers » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 10:50:00

> Who is this 'Terror' bloke?

And, more importantly, what's his GPLRank?

Andrew McP

Groo the Wandere

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Groo the Wandere » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 11:13:35

I'm sure that Roosevelt appreciates your comment.

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Michael R Sisso

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Michael R Sisso » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 12:30:39



GWB is no GPL

LOAD "GPL",8,1


GWB is the best president America ever had

by bioder » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 13:31:54

Wow not even crossposted.


GWB is the best president America ever had

by Fcuk » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 16:21:53

> It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French) to
> the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the only
> leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

I'm voting Kerry now, just to***you off!
Jussi Koukk

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Jussi Koukk » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 20:41:26

something like:

It sickens me to see the gullible Americans surrender (like 47% of
them) to the media and believe the lies George has propagated against
President Hussein, the only leader who had the guts to stand up to
American oil industry.

- Jussi Koukku -

David G Fishe

GWB is the best president America ever had

by David G Fishe » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 22:09:17

> something like:

> >It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French) to
> >the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the
> >leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

> It sickens me to see the gullible Americans surrender (like 47% of
> them) to the media and believe the lies George has propagated against
> President Hussein, the only leader who had the guts to stand up to
> American oil industry.

> :-P
> --
> - Jussi Koukku -

We have something called "terrorist mommies" here in the U.S. They are a
target group Bush has done a great job of scaring into voting for him. His
three years of constantly uttering "weapons of mass destruction" and
"terrorists" have scared these gullible soccer moms into thinking their
little brats are going to be blown up any minute now.

David G Fisher

Byron Forbe

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Byron Forbe » Tue, 02 Nov 2004 23:08:12

    Which reminds me, how's his anti missile missle anti anti missile anti
system coming?

Stephen F

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Stephen F » Wed, 03 Nov 2004 00:26:27

>> It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French) to
>> the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the
>> only
>> leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

>    Which reminds me, how's his anti missile missle anti anti missile anti
> system coming?

And can someone let me know if we are on orange alert, red, dark red or

GWB is the best president America ever had

by Mitch_ » Wed, 03 Nov 2004 01:27:08

They are called security Mom's and they only have to do with GWB in so much
they know he'll protect them (as much as possible) from future terrorists
attacks and know Kerry does not and will not based on his 35+ years of
anti-war rhetoric.  This group is a metaphor and is not a target of the Bush
camp but rather a logical grouping of people with common sense and a firm
grasp of reality that realize GWB is the ONLY choice for President in 2004.



>> something like:

>> >It sickens me to see the liberal Europeans surrender (like the French)
>> >to
>> >the media and believe the lies propagated against President Bush, the
> only
>> >leader who has the guts to stand up to Terror.

>> It sickens me to see the gullible Americans surrender (like 47% of
>> them) to the media and believe the lies George has propagated against
>> President Hussein, the only leader who had the guts to stand up to
>> American oil industry.

>> :-P
>> --
>> - Jussi Koukku -

> We have something called "terrorist mommies" here in the U.S. They are a
> target group Bush has done a great job of scaring into voting for him. His
> three years of constantly uttering "weapons of mass destruction" and
> "terrorists" have scared these gullible soccer moms into thinking their
> little brats are going to be blown up any minute now.

> --
> David G Fisher is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.