> I just picked up AMA superbike today (exchanged for an xmas gift) and was
> wondering if Motorsims has any plans to make the tracks they left out.
> Daytona, Phoenix, and Las Vegas are in the manual but not in the game. I heard
> that maybe they would release them one at a time. Is there any truth to this?
AFAIK, Daytona has a very expensive exclusive license used by the
arcade game. Basically they just use the "Daytona" name. A shame.
Not much hope there. We talked about doing a "fantasy track"
to replace it, but tracks are a major undertaking.
Las Vegas was the first track we built. The engineering diagrams
are still on my office wall ;). Being the first, it needs some
rework, but it won't take long to add once we need it again.
AFAIK, LVMS is not back on the current AMA schedule yet.
Phoenix was partially built when the licensing negotiations
broke down.
Matthew V. Jessick Motorsims
Vehicle Dynamics Engineer (972)910-8866 Ext.125, Fax: (972)910-8216