Heck I don't know...I took the router out of the box, I plugged it
in...hooked up thecables and all three computers hooked up with the net.
I'll dig out the manual and see what settings are available to change.
And sorry about the typo it was a 24 hour lease, PM to PM.(or twelve
hours before it checks in) But my problem happened in roughly an hour.
No warping, no indication of lag, I've seen that plenty with other times
when the wife was dloading mp3's. (and I made sure both of the other
systems were NOT online at racetime)
dave henrie
> > OK, missed that in the first message.
> > Regardless, his PC will react EXACTLY the same as if he got an IP from
> his
> > ISP.
> > That is, lease recheck at 50% of the expiry.
> > Now, what would be interesting is to see what IP lease time his
> LinkSys is
> > getting.
> > It may well be getting a new one within an hours.
> > In which case it's NAT/Route/Firewall tables would resync, including
> > dropping session for any NATed PCs.
> > ====================================================
> > : Bingo. He has a 24 hour lease from the router, that is what is
> showing
> > : up when he does winipcfg. Dave, if you want to see how long your
> lease
> > : really is you will have to check and see if the router setup will
> show
> > : you that info. If it won't, you may have to bypass the router
> > : temporarily to see it.
> > :