I would greatly appreciate it.
-- Tiocfaidh ar la
-- Tiocfaidh ar la
hmmm, isn't half the manual full of setup info? Start messing
with the wings in magnitudes of more than one degree and
you'll discover about half of what setups are all about. The
rest comes with experience. If you can't feel the difference
of changes you make, getting canned setups from others won't
do much, since you'll mist likely be unable to drive very fast
setups. The fastest setups, especially on ovals, are generally
so close to undrivable, that posting those would just
frustrate others.
I run a popular ftp server foor Indycar Racing, and over the
last 2 years I haven't received a single submission of setups
to post. There is a load of information about how to set up
cars, with explanantions and other hints, but never a
complete car. Too much depends on driving style and input
device, etc.
check out
http://didnt.doit.wisc.edu/Peter/default.html, and search the
old race results for setup hints. They are there for at least
half of the tracks, including maps with speeds and gear
choices, as well as a lot of coaching of how to drive on these