> On Thu, 18 Dec 1997 10:23:39 +0100, Ronald Stoehr
> >> I would like to apologize publicly o the people at Terminal Reality Inc
> >> and Microsoft for the incendiary tone of the initial version of my
> >Oh, my god! Why are you apologizing?? Your review was excellent and to
> >the point. You have no obligation to mention any of the positive things
> >about a sim in a review...
> Note that I apologized for the *tone* of my review, not the content. I
> stand behind the content, and it's all still there.
> Eagle Woman
Well Alison, I think your original "tone" was appropriate. I
personally have no interest in reviews that are toned down to be more
polite? to software companies who themselves are very unpolite. Stick
with your guns! The first impression, in most cases including this one,
is the true indication. I heard someone mention that you should have
done this and that to contact MS/Tri for support. Wrong! Why in the hell
should you have to do that. Your review was of a so called finished
product, not a preview of an alpha (though come to think about it, it
was a preview of an alpha :) )