Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

Jan Verschuere

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Found out the hard way 250km/h is not a safe speed in rush hour traffic?

Jan. /just a guess.

Don Scurlo

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Don Scurlo » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

WOW...I'm stunned. If I hadn't seen it I would have never believed
someone would actually do this ! I've done years of high speed sport
riding, which I've backed away from partly because I was feeling
uncomfortable freaking out the citizens, but this guy takes that into
another dimemsion. As cool as it is to watch, this kind of stunt
hurts the entire sport riding community, and gives the people that
would like to ban sport bikes alot of ammunition. On the other hand,
if you can get away with riding like that in France then I'm moving
there tomorrow.>:

>> I love this guy, he's got to have the biggest .... in the planet.
>> I would love to see Mansells face when he would see this. Believe
>> me, they can't
>> it but F1 drivers will have big time respect for his guts.

>That may be, but I have no respect for him at all.  He was playing
>not only with his own life (which it seems he lost in the end), but
>with the lives of all those other motorists and pedestrians as well.
> For what, a thrill ride? If he, you, or anyone, wants to play at
>being a racer, do it at a controlled racetrack.  That way you won't
>end up killing or maiming innocent people if you're not quite the
>hotshot you think you are. S.

Don Scurlock

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by ymenar » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

> On the other hand,
> if you can get away with riding like that in France then I'm moving
> there tomorrow.

Makes you wondering...

With the incredible number of cars he passed, we did not see once a police

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Marc Goldstei

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Marc Goldstei » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Anyone know where I could find this? The motorcycle one was amazing, but I'd
love to see the Ferrari. Thanks. Marc

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Eldre » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

>If the link doesn't work let me know, I have the video and it is absolutely
>The guy is dead now by the way, one of his attemts at breaking the record
>failed big time....

No kidding?  Wow, that sucks.  Did he take any innocent bystanders with him?

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Marc Goldstei

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Marc Goldstei » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Probably a good guess. Not something I'd try.


Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by John » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

The story is that Pascal died in a later attempt to beat his own record
around that same stretch of road...

I'm also a sportbike rider, and that video scares me...

I just hope that guy didn't take out anyone else when he killed himself
riding like that.


Doug Hoo

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Doug Hoo » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

I have a couple questions about this video. What kind of bike was he riding?
Were any of the tunnels in the video the one that Princess Diana died in ?
Can anyone who speaks german translate the narration? Or the french
translation that is being spoken in the background?

> I think this is what you're looking for!
> It's absolutely crazy!!!!


> > I'm looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris
> > only 7-8 minutes.
> > I knew it's out there somewhere in mpeg format and size about 50 Mb.

> > Anyone got a working link??

> > /Lasse

Gary Stephenso

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Gary Stephenso » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

> I have a couple questions about this video. What kind of bike was he
> riding?

This video was pretty popular in alt.motorcycle.sportbikes a while back.
Most people were guessing that the bike was a Kawasaki, either a ZX10 or
ZX11. Whatever kind of bike the guy was riding...he was absolutely mad!


Scott Boha

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Scott Boha » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

From watching the video, he seemed a very skilled rider and was very aware
of the traffic all around him.  The only problem comes when drivers do not
see him coming and decide to change lanes while he is about to overtake
them.  He was going so much faster than the rest of the traffic that if for
any reason he had to stop, there would be no chance and he would crash.

Firstly, I didn't see (m?)any pedestrians on that road, and secondly, I
suspect it would be quite difficult to manage to kill someone else in a car
when you're riding a bike.  Most likely thing that would  happen to him
would be rear ending a car because he couldn't loose enough speed in time.

Did someone mention something about a Ferrari?? 8-))


Jan Verschuere

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Believe it or not... the police does not patrol motorways here. Don't know
about France, but Belgium (just next door) is road hog heaven.


ymenard wrote...

> > On the other hand,
> > if you can get away with riding like that in France then I'm moving
> > there tomorrow.

> Makes you wondering...

> With the incredible number of cars he passed, we did not see once a police
> car!


Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by ymenar » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

So there is no official system to control road law enforcing? Wow, so
everybody has to deal only with their own morals when deciding of the rules
of the highway.  Actually it could be a good thing, but probably isn't.

At least your free to go 200km/h on a deserted stretch of road <g>

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

cyrille vanlerbergh

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by cyrille vanlerbergh » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

There is speed control on the roads in France. Only, cops are quite lazy
(red wine makes you sleepy after lunch ;-)), and they just sit by the side
of the roads, with their speed control equipment (radars and whatever...)
and when they catch you speeding, you receive your speed ticket by mail a
few days later!
One (of the many) problem(s) of that system is that motorbikes don't have
any license plate in the front (only in the back) and the speed cameras
can't identify the bikers. Guys like Pascal (the crazy rider flying around
Paris in 11 minutes) knew that and took advantage of it...
But yes, in the end, it is very easy to drive fast on the french roads.
Cyrille Vanlerberghe

> > Believe it or not... the police does not patrol motorways here.

> So there is no official system to control road law enforcing? Wow, so
> everybody has to deal only with their own morals when deciding of the
> of the highway.  Actually it could be a good thing, but probably isn't.

> At least your free to go 200km/h on a deserted stretch of road <g>

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...
> --
> -- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't
> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Andrew Turne

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Andrew Turne » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

What is "Taxi"???

I gotta know.


> Ok,

> Here is a bit of feedback

> The title is RENDEZ-VOUS, which means Meeting or Date, in that case it's
> more Date because at the end he meets a woman on the Sacre-coeur.

> I'm not sure it was made in a Ferrari, will check on this.

> About taxi....GET IT GET IT GET IT, Taxi 2 just got released in france, not
> as much fun as the first one (the surprise effect is gone) but still a very
> entertaining picture.

> TAXI 1 is out yet on DVD, probably not in english version though, you can
> probably get it at

> Good luck

> > I'm looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in
> > only 7-8 minutes.
> > I knew it's out there somewhere in mpeg format and size about 50 Mb.

> > Anyone got a working link??

> > /Lasse

Jo Hels

Looking for the movie with that insane motorcycle ride cross Paris in only 7-8 minutes

by Jo Hels » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

On Thu, 18 May 2000 21:36:34 +0200, "Mikkel Gram-Hansen"

>If the link doesn't work let me know, I have the video and it is absolutely
>The guy is dead now by the way, one of his attemts at breaking the record
>failed big time....


I just hope noone else got hurt by bodyparts flying around. They
should lock these guys behind bars.

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