encouraging for my setup.I have a Dellw/500mhz,128m ram & a Diamond Viper
v770 Ultra.But I took the leap since the store(Babbages) close to me has a 7
day/in store credit return policy.Been playing all day today,short answer,no
problems.The Install was straight forward,without a hitch(have a Toshiba
DVD-Rom).Left the graphic settings at default(which means most things are
chassis settings,the game sure is different from N3,car is very challenging
to handle at top speed in the corners.Frame rate at this point seems very
good(didnt measure it) and the graphics are superb!When other cars hit the
track,the frame rate does drop some,put it is still very good.Again,i was
using the default setting for this,which i believe shows 8-10 cars in front
and 2-4 behind,cant remember,sorry.Full Race,found it ran well,the frame
rate,that is...(I finished 8th in a 50 lap race,with racers set at 98).I
get my impressions out there for those of you with modest hardware like
mine.I am very glad to have taken the chance and think I'm going to enjoy
the game a lot.This really isnt my #1 genre
(war***,Combat Mission-yeah & text sport sims are my main hobbies),so I
wouldn't be upgrading any time soon.One other thing I feel sure is the
reason i've seen no problems.I have up to date drivers for all devices,found
that always helps.Anyways,for what it's worth.....