Busch Carpentry
Busch Motorsports
"Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward"
SPIKES...... get some, I used three 5/16th x 3" bolts, shapened the ends to a
(sharp) point, fixed them to back of my pedal board (also allows you to adj. the
tilt angle), gave them a good push into the floor (tough if you have a highly
polished wooden floor, it will wreck it!) and bingo, pedals stay where you put
them. Simple eh!
Dave Hawnt UK
Find a *** mat (even an old bath tub mat) and place the pedals on
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
<snip>. I'm about ready to nail the damn thing to the floor :) <snip>
that'd work.
Joe Conklin
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>Busch Carpentry
>Busch Motorsports
>"Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward"
>>Busch Carpentry
>>Busch Motorsports
>>"Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward"
And's it's available in pretty colors--handy if you happen to live with
Martha Stewart.
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998 09:00:27 -0600, "david karr"
>And's it's available in pretty colors--handy if you happen to live with
>Martha Stewart.
>>Okay, with all these sim experts I'm sure someone will have some tips on
>>to keep their pedals ( mines a T2 ) from slip sliding away while in the
>>middle of a race. I'm about ready to nail the damn thing to the floor :)
>>ideas will be appreciated
>First off, put your computer where there is a wall behind it! After
>that, I took a foot-long piece of 2-by-4 (in Europe I don't know what
>this would be called), laid it down flat (broad side down) behind the
>T2 pedal platform and on top of the metal extension on it. This has
>the beauty of a) keeping the pedals off of the wall, and b) limiting
>the pedal distance to about 1/3rd of the total travel distance. My T2
>is from 1995, and I've never had to replace a spring. And I never have
>to worry about it slipping around, although I do worry about pushing
>the side of my home down.
I bolted mine to a 2x2 foot shelf board, then drove four nails in to it
facing down, one at each corner.
The nails dig into the carpet and keep the whole thing from sliding.
Note that if you don't do this right, you WILL tear up your carpet!!!