: <snip>
: : The Sim Project is an area that will be dedicated to the enjoyment of
: : ICR2.
: : Future projects include IMSA/WSC cars using the ICR2 sim, and a re-
: : vamping of several ICR2/N1 tracks. Any comments and suggestions are
: : welcome. :)
: This is indeed good news. As it now appears "official" that ICR2 is a
: "dead" product. Well at least for "official" upgrades and bug fixes.
: Since we now know that Sierra/Papyrus seem to have no intentions to fix
: some of the bugs, I think an excellent project is to fix the AI pitting
: behavior for Long Beach. This is one of the places where the
: 1.02 patch broke more than if fixed. I believe this is probably fixable
: by modifing the PIT.LP file. I do not understand how these files work,
: but I do know that we have a few people out there who do. Maybe we can
: have a discussion here in r.a.s. on how these LP files are constructed
: and how one goes about modifying them.
: It now appears that any improvements and "bug fixes" for ICR2 now rest
: in our hands.
Please excuse me, but it's been a while since I've peeked in here. Could
someone fill me in on The Sim Project? From what's left of this thread,
I've read about new sounds (?) for ICR2, and the possibility of IMSA WSC
_-\<,_ Cosmo Potapoff