> > So, one CAN hang it out and slide around, but if one filmed top
> > drivers in that same section (to show later on SpeedVision), you would
> > see drivers applying rapid small corrections and never getting to 20
> > degrees of yaw and full opposite lock.
> Hello Jim. OK then, I wonder if the guys who are doing the fast laps
> in the demo are able to drive without breaking the tail loose and then holding
> on to opposite lock. I'm fine with knowing it was 'all just me' if these
> people can drive fast laps without*** the back out. In fact it would be
> a relief!
around a turn in GPL is not the fast way around the track. Most of
the sideways driving that I do is caused from entering the corner
too fast. I try to get the car straightened up as soon as possible
Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports