opposite-lock was applied in 'bursts' ,not in a continuous 'hold' (in 67')

Pat Dotso

opposite-lock was applied in 'bursts' ,not in a continuous 'hold' (in 67')

by Pat Dotso » Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> > So, one CAN hang it out and slide around, but if one filmed top
> > drivers in that same section (to show later on SpeedVision), you would
> > see drivers applying rapid small corrections and never getting to 20
> > degrees of yaw and full opposite lock.

>        Hello Jim. OK then, I wonder if the guys who are doing the fast laps
> in the demo are able to drive without breaking the tail loose and then holding
> on to opposite lock. I'm fine with knowing it was 'all just me' if these
> people can drive fast laps without*** the back out. In fact it would be
> a relief!

I've _only_ gone 1:07.76, but I can tell you that sliding all the way
around a turn in GPL is not the fast way around the track.  Most of
the sideways driving that I do is caused from entering the corner
too fast.  I try to get the car straightened up as soon as possible

Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports

Antoine Renau

opposite-lock was applied in 'bursts' ,not in a continuous 'hold' (in 67')

by Antoine Renau » Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:30:25 -0700, Pat Dotson

>I've _only_ gone 1:07.76, but I can tell you that sliding all the way
>around a turn in GPL is not the fast way around the track.  Most of
>the sideways driving that I do is caused from entering the corner
>too fast.  I try to get the car straightened up as soon as possible

Yeah that's fast but you guys still have to prove that it's even
faster when the car's not sliding!  I think whoever complained about
this in the first place isn't completely wrong...  But then it's only
a pre-alpha, so this may have improved since then!

A. Renault

Richard Walk

opposite-lock was applied in 'bursts' ,not in a continuous 'hold' (in 67')

by Richard Walk » Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:00:00

>       Hello Jim. OK then, I wonder if the guys who are doing the fast laps
>in the demo are able to drive without breaking the tail loose and then holding
>on to opposite lock. I'm fine with knowing it was 'all just me' if these
>people can drive fast laps without*** the back out. In fact it would be
>a relief!

If you've seen my other response to (I think) your good self, you'll see
that I consider the hotlaps posted on the Apex site to be seriously (even
dangerously) overdriving the car. That's OK for hotlapping but ***for
anything else.

FWIW my best lap is a 1:07.39 and (to me at least <g>) does not use the
powerslide technique and certainly uses no opposite lock (just a touch of
correction entering turns 4 and 6 and a bigger correction in the middle
of T4 but never any OL). I can lap reasonably consistently in the high
1:07s / low 1:08s and am not trying for especially quick laps, just
trying to keep things neat and tidy - and after a while the lap times
start dropping and continue dropping. I'm pretty damn sure there's enough
left by being tidy to beat the current 1:06.9x posted at the Apex.

btw - if you want to see the replay of that lap, just let me know and
I'll email it to you.


Byron Forbe

opposite-lock was applied in 'bursts' ,not in a continuous 'hold' (in 67')

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 17 Apr 1998 04:00:00

>        Hello Jim. OK then, I wonder if the guys who are doing the fast laps
> in the demo are able to drive without breaking the tail loose and then holding
> on to opposite lock. I'm fine with knowing it was 'all just me' if these
> people can drive fast laps without*** the back out. In fact it would be
> a relief!

   Gee, go here and get 1.06s and 1.07s on replay. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.