a choice between a Prodrive Honda, or a Van Diemen Formula Ford. (Duckhams....
and all the F. Fords are Van Diemen...***? :)
(who doesn't want to be cool like Jenson, and drive a
You are limited to 2 lap races, and the opponents seem to be of fair ability.
I can't say what level ( novice, intermidiate or pro) they are set to, as it's
not shown.
Improvements over TOCA:
Most noticeable is the fixed International Track. if you're not familar with
the circuit IRL, it's basically leaves the GP circuit at Becketts, and
continues across to join at a hiarpin at abbey.
In the original TOCA, incorrectly, the circuit went through the left right
flick at abbey, before going under farm bridge.
Now, correctly, it goes straight through.
Setup options: Similar to CMR's interpretation. They consits of a Suspension
Setting on each wheel of between "soft" and "hard", with about 20
intermiediate settings.
Additinally, there is a brake bias setting (not changable during play) and a
"downforce" setting.
I'm a bit confused on the last part- while it does not appear in F Ford, as
obviously, they are wingless, to the best of my knowledge, the wings in the
btcc are homolagted parts, and are not actually changeable- for different
downforce configs.
There are also options to set the gear settings for all 6 gears (5 in F Ford.)
Strangely, even at 5th gears highest setting, i was bouncing off the rev
limiter by the time i was getting out of luffield, to copse.
Graphics: Well, PSX over the original TOCA are imporved. For PC, well, based
on my demo at ECTS, the graphics are light years ahead on the PC over the
One other concern i had at the time, was the lack of open wheeler mdoelling.
No bouncing of wheels on each other ;)
Unfortunately that's been fixed? Why do i say unfortuntly? well.... they've
modelled the closeness of the F Ford's all to well. It's absoulte chaos at
times, which to those like me, who caught the F Ford Festival last month will
appreciate ;)
Racing: While the physics models seem at least basically realistc, i'm still
limtied to my analgoue pads, as i've never sprung for a wheel for my PSX. the
F Fords are quite twitchy- easy to snap into oversteer, while the btcc cars
are a bit more forgiving- since they are front wheel drive, makes a bit more
sense. Pretty good feel, though.
What strikes me is how amazing the racing is in this. it's just as close as it
gets. Non-stop, and the damage you can receive is much more comprehensive on
the car strucure than before.
Damage- well... it's hard to say if it's implemented in the demo. I suspect it
is not: it doesn't seem to get any harder, or slower.- it is promised in the
full game, however.
it's hard to streess just how great a raicng game this is- It's sue not a
heavy simualtion ah la GPL- but it does have the best racing simualtion i've
every played in my life. The raicng is hard, fast furious, and never
relenting. I'm completely overwhelemed.
The only question is whether or not i can wait till Feburary for the PC
release, or go out tomorrow and buy a PSX Copy... and maybe a wheel...
Bottom Line: It's a killer racing sim. All about racing.
PS: Changable weather too. Started off on a wet grid at Silverstone, rained
stopped... track begun to dry a little...