I have released my F1C PLR file editor. It's available from 01ferrari-fan's
Speed Zone:
I have included a help section, that shows what the variable should do, it's
default, and a recommended value.
I have divided the editor up into pages.
The first page easily and quickly allows you to set the centres for the
controllers, so you can correct for your pedals.
The second page contains all the variables required for the head physics, so
you can easily play around with those settings until you vomit! ;-)
There is a misc page, that contains the settings for half rate physics,
skybox, locked pit cam, tyre sampling etc.
Finally I have included a page that contains all the variables for Force
Feedback, so you should be able to get it just how you like it. The help on
this section is less detailed, as I haven't had a chance to play with these
settings, and they will differ for different controllers.
Please feel free to email me your preferred settings for this page, and I
will include them in the help.
Please also feel free to email me with suggestions for improvements,
comments, thanks, or money!
GPLRank +79.699