> I really have to agree with you. The moaning about this small amount
> of money is getting on my nerves. For me there are enough reasons to
> buy the new version. The GP of Austria gave me some really exciting
> hours.
> I think this will be a very good simulation.
> Hermann Kauer.
>I think, it's just amazing how confused people are about the meaning
>of the word "patch". There are NO features covered by it, just bugs.
>So even a physics model of less than GPL-standard (the reference now)
>is not a bug, but a missing feature, which is included in a new version.
that's not really the point. The point is the RELATIVE value offered by the
two products. Nobody's telling anyone what to do with their OWN money here.
Whatever the weaknesses of MGPRS, if it's simply lacking the bugs of F1RS,
it'll be a better product due to the lack of aggravation. I suppose I'm a bit
jaundiced by my disappointment with all the bugs, and resulting need for
patches, in F1RS. I tried ALL the known tricks to sort it out, from patches to
deadzone to hardware, but never was happy with it. The primary experience was
one of frustration and displeasure, rather than enjoyment. As for the meaning
of "patches", I seem to remember UBI adding support for force feedback and 3D
sound among the "bug" fixes, and Microsoft's "patch" of CPR certainly went far
beyond that, into new menu items, altered AI, and the like. I'd personally
have to call those "features", as manufacturers often tout them as such. But
for all of you who love F1RS and MGPRS as is, great..fine..wonderful.
Remember, though, it's the whiners who spur product improvements through
wanting more and better, and by complaining about bugs and shortcomings. So
don't be so SENSITIVE. Opposing opinions only have power when they're shared.
Happy driving.