I didn't notice if someone had posted this before, but for those of you who
aren't sure, here is how to adjust the spotter in your track.txt file
(handy for converted tracks, or if you just want to change definitions in
the game). Some time I will put this up on my web page, but I haven't got
'round to it yet :)
Spotter Info:
The track.txt file appears to contain the info required for the spotter to
tell where on the track an incident is occurring.
A track appears to be measured in units from the start/finish line, and one
mile equals 313 units. The two lines below are from Talladega... track is
about 835 units long.
DDLNG 95 168 240 486 560 635 735 835 - linear location on track (units down
the track each zone ENDS)
DIDNT 22 1 2 19 3 4 21 20 - name of area, in the list below.
DIDNT References:
1 -13 - Turn 1 - 13 T1.WAV to T13.WAV
14-16 - Turn 1A, Turn 2A, Turn 3A 1A.WAV 2A.WAV 3A.WAV
17 - Front Straight FSTR.WAV
18 - Back Straight BSTR.WAV
19 - Back Stretch BSTC.WAV
20 - Trioval TRI.WAV
21 - Into Trioval TRIIN.WAV
22 - Out of Trioval TRIOUT.WAV
23 - Esses ESSES.WAV
24 - Into Esses ESSESIN.WAV
25 - Out of Esses ESSESOUT.WAV
26 - Long Pond Straight LPOND.WAV
27 - Short Chute SHCH.WAV
28 - Tunnel Turn TTUNNEL.WAV
29 - First Straight 1STR.WAV
30 - Final Straight FNLSTR.WAV
31 - Short Straight SHRTSTR.WAV
32 - Long Straight LONGSTR.WAV
33 - Outer Loop OLOOP.WAV
34 - Inner Loop ILOOP.WAV
35 - Stretch STRETCH.WAV
36 - Carousel CSEL.WAV
37 - Strip STRIP.WAV
38 - Hairpin HAIRP.WAV
39 - 1st Hairpin HAIRP1.WAV
40 - 2nd Hairpin HAIRP2.WAV
41 - S Turns STURNS.WAV
42 - Kink KINK.WAV
Thats what I figured out so far anyways :)
Web Page: http://www.racesimcentral.net/