Thank you Dave. Ran 3dconfig.exe again and saw the available resolutions and
#bit colors. Manually changed config.ini back to 8 and the color looked
horrible. So I changed it back to 32 and the display is looking much better.
The thing is I can't remember the screen ever looking as bad as did when the
video mode = 8. It's so weird. But for now the video mode = 32 looks fine.
Now FSAA=2. I used to set it on my card but since getting DOOM 3 I let the
application set the FSAA. That seems to work okay.
Thanks again for the help.
> > I added some memory to my PC to play DOOM 3. When I went into F1C
> > again the 3d config program started up. Since I stopped using 2 FSAA
> > on my video card it seemed like a good idea to change the config.ini
> > in F1C to use FSAA=2. After that F1C looked somehow different. Then I
> > went into the display settings in the game and when it came out of it
> > the display settings went from custom to medium. Well, I looked at the
> > config.ini and the only difference besides FSAA=2 now is the Video
> > Mode changed to 32 from 8. Does anyone know what that does?
> > Thank you:
> That sounds more like you changed from 16 bit color--the 8 -- to 32 bit
> color. And you may have changed screen resolutions too. Look at the list
> of available screen choices in 3dconfig...start at the lowest 16 bit and
> give it a number 1 then the next gets number 2 etc. So 8 is the 8th
> available choice of your paticular screen resolutions. Obviously the 32
> bit colors are higher than the 16 bit and work the same..starting with
> number above your last available 16 bit color and up.
> The FSAA should be listed below the bulk of the config.ini text almost
> the bottom.
> dh