Cannonballers how to cook a 3 course meal on your engine block and
exhaust manifold while driving cross country...shame on us...
dave :) henrie
> Is this the same Brock Yates of Road & Track (or was it Car & Driver) fame?
> The same bloke who wrote the supposedly definitive biography on Enzo
> Ferrari? Can't be HIM, surely?
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------
> > Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
> > someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be hung,
> > quartered and drawn!!
> > Jan.
> > =---
> > <snip>
> > > Could anybody please tell Mr. Yates that his underground source is
> saying
> > > rubbish lies? 3million$ per year? that made my day LMAO!!!!!!