GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!


GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Coli » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

1.  My skull is not numb.  It's actually quite sensitive thank you very much
and as such I'm deeply hurt by your insults <g>
2.  Negative publicity is not good publicity.   (quotes from Yates "Good
news for racing simulation geeks", references to "scuzzy ba***ts" etc)

Did that, just corrected his wildy innacurate claims of 3 million dollar

How about a firm kick in the nether regions for his "underground source"
J.J. Hunsecker II??  That sounds like more fun to me...


Tony Rickar

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Tony Rickar » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

"John Simmons" wrote

Now there is a writing style I recognise :)

Now c'mon John, say what you mean, don't beat around the bush...



John Simmo

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by John Simmo » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I simply call 'em as I see 'em, and I try to avoid leaving room for free-
thinking re-interpretation of what I originally attempted to convey.


Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
DeMONS Scheduler for N3 and NL

If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.


GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by ymenar » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

<snipped pure bollocks>

Could anybody please tell Mr. Yates that his underground source is saying
rubbish lies?  3million$ per year? that made my day LMAO!!!!!!

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Brett C. Camma

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Brett C. Camma » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000 12:57:32 -0400, "Colin" <colin AT yourmiata DOT

>Anyone got Yates' email address???
>Let the flames commence...

GPLers already come of as a bunch of foam-flecked fanatics.  Let's try
and not give someone with considerable media access the impression
we're psycho's, too.

This is the same thing that the leaders of the Linux movement have
been trying to pound into their followers; try to seem reasonable when
you rebut someones statements.

Coming off like a bunch of whackos tends to diminish our message quite
a bit.

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Don Burnett

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Don Burnett » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I'm not sure I understand how they came up with it was costing Papy 3mil a
As an outsider looking in, as I don't have the converter, seems to me if
anything it would promote sales of non-gpl products by Papy to folks who
otherwise might not buy them.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

Bruce Kennewel

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Roger, the term "here, here", is...........ahhh, forget it.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Here, here...Don, this is exactly what I was thinking...
> If it is Papy doing the ***ing that caused this stupid column to be
> written, then they can cram it!

> Roger

> > > Needless to say, this development is akin to tearing out the pages of
> > book
> > > and re-arranging them and therefore calls into question whether or not
> > > copyrights are actually infringed; this has to make the guys at
> > > nuts. My man J.J. says that it's costing Papyrus over $3m a year.

> > How could this possibly be costing Papyrus $3m a year. That is
> > You have to own their other products (Nascar 3, Nascar Legends, Indycar
> > Racing II) to even run the track converter. If anything, Dave Noonan's
> > converters bring more revenue to Papyrus. I have friends that race GPL
> > bought Nascar Legends just to run Riverside in GPL, and bought Nascar 3
> just
> > for Indianapolis(this was before they were released together in the
> > Acceleration pack - Doh!!). These people would have never even purchased
> > those games because they have no interest in stock cars, but because of
> Dave
> > Noonans converter they did. There is no way that Noonan's converter
> be
> > costing Papyrus money. These converters allow these games to have a much
> > longer shelf-life, thus more chance of being purchased. Just look at all
> the
> > posts recently of people trying to buy the 5 year old Indycar II by
> Papyrus
> > because of the converter.

> > Dave, thanks for the all great converters! - I have glady paid for them
> all.

> > And as for Papyrus, I have purchased Indycar 1, Indycar 1 Track Pack,
> > Indycar Indianapolis, Nascar 1, Nascar 1 Track Pack, Indycar II, Indycar
> II
> > Windows Version(because it had the much anticipated patch for the
> > DOS version several weeks before it was available on the internet),
> Indycar
> > II Rendition (came with my Rendition card), CART Racing(contained DOS,
> > Windows, and Rendition versions with awesome Steve Smith strategy
> > Nascar 2, Nascar 2 Busch Expansion pack, Nascar 1999, Grand Prix
> > Nascar 3, and Nascar Legends.

> 50
> > package. Now, after I spent $49.99 a piece for Nascar 3 and Nascar
> Legends,
> > I will have to wait for Craftsman Trucks to be availble as a single
> package,

> > I wonder how many GPL enthusiasts who had not already purchased Legends
> > N3, will now buy the Nascar Acceleration pack for use with Dave Noonan's
> > converter? From my perspective, Dave Noonan has helped Papyrus sell more
> > product.  Its all the 3rd party developers like Dave Noonan, The Pits,
> > Sim Project, TPTCC, IWCCCARS, Simulator ***world, etc. that keep these
> > games fresh far beyond their normal shelf life. If you pay Dave Noonan
> a
> > converter that uses track information from software that you have
> > purchased from Papyrus, I just don't see that as money being taken away
> from
> > them. Its not like they are producing any extras for GPL! Sorry to beat
> > dead horse, but this kind of stuff is just frustrating.

> > Don Chapman

Jan Verschuere

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be hung,
quartered and drawn!!




GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Rikanthr » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

If it wasn't for the rogue programmers out here in the wild, many of
these sims wouldn't live longer than 3-6 months before being retired to a
box in the garage.


Rik Anthrax
it's a GPL kinda day  :)

Stephen Ferguso

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Stephen Ferguso » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

"This Yates guy" may be a bit abrasive at times, but he's been kicking
around North American automobile journalism since the days of Bruce
Kennewell's youth (grin).  He's often entertaining to read, and has a
definite passion for all things automotive, and especially for racing.  The
purer the racing, the better.  He was one of the original "Cannonball Run"
guys who went ripping across America coast-to-coast on a whim in a Ferrari
Daytona.  As has been said before, I see the blurb as something in the
category of "any publicity is good publicity".  Yates seems to truly like
the concept of the converter.  It could have been more factually correct,
but I think the end result will be that more people will look for GPL, the
converter and old Papy catalog titles.


Bruce Kennewel

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Is this the same Brock Yates of Road & Track (or was it Car & Driver) fame?
The same bloke who wrote the supposedly definitive biography on Enzo
Ferrari?  Can't be HIM, surely?

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
> someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be hung,
> quartered and drawn!!

> Jan.
> =---

> <snip>
> > Could anybody please tell Mr. Yates that his underground source is
> > rubbish lies?  3million$ per year? that made my day LMAO!!!!!!

Bruce Kennewel

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well I'll be *** IS him!!
Jeeeez....this guys a GURU!
Brock is *definitely* stirring and he wouldn't be doing it out of spite,
either. Just to get a reaction :-) Which, if he reads this NG, he's getting
in spades!! HAAAAA!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> > Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
> > someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be hung,
> > quartered and drawn!!

> "This Yates guy" may be a bit abrasive at times, but he's been kicking
> around North American automobile journalism since the days of Bruce
> Kennewell's youth (grin).  He's often entertaining to read, and has a
> definite passion for all things automotive, and especially for racing.
> purer the racing, the better.  He was one of the original "Cannonball Run"
> guys who went ripping across America coast-to-coast on a whim in a Ferrari
> Daytona.  As has been said before, I see the blurb as something in the
> category of "any publicity is good publicity".  Yates seems to truly like
> the concept of the converter.  It could have been more factually correct,
> but I think the end result will be that more people will look for GPL, the
> converter and old Papy catalog titles.

> Stephen

Stephen Ferguso

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Stephen Ferguso » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

And now I just looked at the column. There's a picture of him leaning on an
old racer.  That's the same Brock Yates we all know and love.  And the bit
on GPL is written in his usual style.  Like I said, I think it will do more
good than harm.  As long as Noonan can live with the public expose of his
scuzzy ba***t, then I think there is no harm done.  Let's hope the zealots
here don't go overboard on the factual details.


> Is this the same Brock Yates of Road & Track (or was it Car & Driver)
> The same bloke who wrote the supposedly definitive biography on Enzo
> Ferrari?  Can't be HIM, surely?

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
> > someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be hung,
> > quartered and drawn!!

> > Jan.
> > =---

> > <snip>
> > > Could anybody please tell Mr. Yates that his underground source is
> saying
> > > rubbish lies?  3million$ per year? that made my day LMAO!!!!!!

Stephen Ferguso

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Stephen Ferguso » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I should mention I am just assuming it is the same Brock Yates. Perhaps I
should go look into it a bit more... :-)


> Well I'll be *** IS him!!
> Jeeeez....this guys a GURU!
> Brock is *definitely* stirring and he wouldn't be doing it out of spite,
> either. Just to get a reaction :-) Which, if he reads this NG, he's
> in spades!! HAAAAA!

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > > Too damn right. One of the very few occasion I want to physically harm
> > > someone because of their online behavior. This Yates guy should be
> > > quartered and drawn!!

> > "This Yates guy" may be a bit abrasive at times, but he's been kicking
> > around North American automobile journalism since the days of Bruce
> > Kennewell's youth (grin).  He's often entertaining to read, and has a
> > definite passion for all things automotive, and especially for racing.
> The
> > purer the racing, the better.  He was one of the original "Cannonball
> > guys who went ripping across America coast-to-coast on a whim in a
> > Daytona.  As has been said before, I see the blurb as something in the
> > category of "any publicity is good publicity".  Yates seems to truly
> > the concept of the converter.  It could have been more factually
> > but I think the end result will be that more people will look for GPL,
> > converter and old Papy catalog titles.

> > Stephen

Todd Sorense

GPL --Noonan! Watch your back!

by Todd Sorense » Sat, 08 Apr 2000 04:00:00

How do you get Bristol to work with the converter? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.