Roger, the term "here, here", is...........ahhh, forget it.
> Here, here...Don, this is exactly what I was thinking...
> If it is Papy doing the ***ing that caused this stupid column to be
> written, then they can cram it!
> Roger
> > > Needless to say, this development is akin to tearing out the pages of
> > book
> > > and re-arranging them and therefore calls into question whether or not
> > > copyrights are actually infringed; this has to make the guys at
> > > nuts. My man J.J. says that it's costing Papyrus over $3m a year.
> > How could this possibly be costing Papyrus $3m a year. That is
> > You have to own their other products (Nascar 3, Nascar Legends, Indycar
> > Racing II) to even run the track converter. If anything, Dave Noonan's
> > converters bring more revenue to Papyrus. I have friends that race GPL
> > bought Nascar Legends just to run Riverside in GPL, and bought Nascar 3
> just
> > for Indianapolis(this was before they were released together in the
> > Acceleration pack - Doh!!). These people would have never even purchased
> > those games because they have no interest in stock cars, but because of
> Dave
> > Noonans converter they did. There is no way that Noonan's converter
> be
> > costing Papyrus money. These converters allow these games to have a much
> > longer shelf-life, thus more chance of being purchased. Just look at all
> the
> > posts recently of people trying to buy the 5 year old Indycar II by
> Papyrus
> > because of the converter.
> > Dave, thanks for the all great converters! - I have glady paid for them
> all.
> > And as for Papyrus, I have purchased Indycar 1, Indycar 1 Track Pack,
> > Indycar Indianapolis, Nascar 1, Nascar 1 Track Pack, Indycar II, Indycar
> II
> > Windows Version(because it had the much anticipated patch for the
> > DOS version several weeks before it was available on the internet),
> Indycar
> > II Rendition (came with my Rendition card), CART Racing(contained DOS,
> > Windows, and Rendition versions with awesome Steve Smith strategy
> > Nascar 2, Nascar 2 Busch Expansion pack, Nascar 1999, Grand Prix
> > Nascar 3, and Nascar Legends.
> 50
> > package. Now, after I spent $49.99 a piece for Nascar 3 and Nascar
> Legends,
> > I will have to wait for Craftsman Trucks to be availble as a single
> package,
> > I wonder how many GPL enthusiasts who had not already purchased Legends
> > N3, will now buy the Nascar Acceleration pack for use with Dave Noonan's
> > converter? From my perspective, Dave Noonan has helped Papyrus sell more
> > product. Its all the 3rd party developers like Dave Noonan, The Pits,
> > Sim Project, TPTCC, IWCCCARS, Simulator ***world, etc. that keep these
> > games fresh far beyond their normal shelf life. If you pay Dave Noonan
> a
> > converter that uses track information from software that you have
> > purchased from Papyrus, I just don't see that as money being taken away
> from
> > them. Its not like they are producing any extras for GPL! Sorry to beat
> > dead horse, but this kind of stuff is just frustrating.
> > Don Chapman