game I've played so far. It really got me sitting on the edge of my seat.
Specially in the Monte Carlo stage: when you almost slide of the road into
the deep... it's great. And when you do slide off it looks and feels very
realistic. In Rally Championship (a game that really disappointed me!) the
car is always slipsliding all over the track. And you never slide of in the
way you do in Colin. This one is great. Very smooth graphics too.
Two questions:
1. Does the final game also have this SEVERE pop-up (even at the highest
2. Is the scenery diverse? I mean, do all the stages in lets say Australia
look like each other or do they all have some special scenery? I hated that
in Rally Championship: everything looked the same: the same buildings, the
same tunnels, repeat, repeat, repeat... (And what also really hated were
those closed track stages!!! I like open road stages!!! But even in the
Rally Championship open stages the finish looked EXACTLY like the start.
Awful game that was... Still haven't got over it, as you may notice...)
3. Are the stages all this short (about 2 minutes and a half) and is the
opposition really so easy (I get records on every stage!)?
4. Does the weather change from time to time or is every stage the same
Thanks for your time!
Jeroen van Engelenhoven