It seems tobe only on certain tracks.......
I also have max draw on car ahead and behind........??
> > 1024x768 I get one frame stutter at the beginning of the race no matter
> what
> > system configs ive tried or game configs. at 800x600 I dont get any
> > stutters. Anyone else have this prob or is it an issue with the N3
> > software?
> > I also am using a voodo 3 with the latest drivers and dx7
> > thanks!
> I don't know which Voodoo3 card you have, but a friend of mine is having
> similar problems with his Voodoo3 3500. I have a Voodoo3 2000 and have no
> such troubles. DX7 is giving me controller problems, but not display
> problems. Anyway, he hasn't solved his stutter problem at 1024x768 yet.