Thanks for all the good feedback I got for v0.7.4 :-)
Got stuck in Baldur's Gate a bit, so I decided to cool off by
coding a bit.
Grab at
0.7.5 (12-Dec-1999)
+ Supports GPLSpyGirl for merging two laps to one rpy file.
You'll need GPLSpyGirl v1.1 or newer for this to work.
+ Race Graph plotting functionality (Thanks to Sampo Peltonen!)
You'll be able to plot how a multiplayer race evolved on
a lap-by-lap basis.
+ Fixed the automatic time diff to show the time diff first
time the telemetry window was opened.
The race graph plotter is a quick conversion of Sampo's original
utility now integrated into GPLDump. It will need some additional
work, but it's quite nice already. I hope the GPL league managers
will find this useful for race reports etc.