one--but I am not having any problems with excessive wheel spin. I can
control the car just fine and agree that at first glance/first drive MGPRS2
seems like a big improvement over F1RS. That is, until you realise that the
physics haven't been improved at all, but just tweaked to give the illusion
of...something. Real car manufacturers do this too. My Honda Accord had
about 75% of the power delivery/r.p.m.'s come on in the first third to half
of the pedal movement. My Audi Quattro had a completely linear set-up--push
the pedal half way, get half of the r.p.m.'s. It makes the car feel duller
or less sprightly at first, but man is it way better over the long run to
not be "tricked" into thinking you have more power left in the last half of
the pedal travel than you really do.
Do you experience what I do with gearing and r.p.m.'s on MGPRS2? When (in
pedal travel %) do you hit maximum r.p.m.'s in first gear? Do you think
that is appropriate or realistic? Yes, at first the cars seem more
responsive and powerful than F1RS, but it is an illusion.
The substantially greater cornering grip they dialled-in is a big
improvement, I think, but as I have said, they could have easily made one or
both of these changes to F1RS in any one of the many patches they released
for that title.
>hit the first turn so I'm not sure about Marc's comments. Feels like a
>completely different sim from F1RS to me. I'm also not having the
>sensitivity problems (10%) he describes. The power comes on much smoother
>than F1RS. He's also having sound problems so maybe it's something with the
>way his system and the game work together.
>Marc, if you'd like, I have a setup for Monza for which enables me to exit
>the chicanes in first gear with no wheel spin at all. If I get just a chirp
>or two, I feel like I hit it just right. I have some other setups which are
>pretty good too. I'll send it on if you're interested and if you are still
>getting too much wheelspin, then at least you could start isolating the
>cause of your problems.
>David G Fisher
>>Summed up, the question is whether it's worth to pay for it or not.
>>IMO it definately is, since the amount of changes far exceeds what I
>>would expect from a 'patch'