>> I'm just waiting for Gerhard to figure out how to get the Psygonis F1
>> game to run on my PC!!
>Now wouldn't that be a good idea. After all these Playstation games are just software on a CDROM. Would it be possible for some clever chappy to write a conversion program so that we can play these games on a PC????????
a modified RISC R3000 and a custom dedicated geometry processor. The
texture mapping and polygon rendering are all done in hardware by
these graphics processors. The R3000 itself only runs at 33 MHz and
couldn't hold a candle to a Pentium if it had to do the work itself.
In fact, if you want to see where PC's are going with 3D boards, take
a look at a good 3D Playstation game.
In any event, the only way you could even THINK of converting a
Playstation CD to a PC would be to either a) have the Playstation
chipset somewhere in your PC (like the PSX Dev kits), or b) do
everything in emulation...and considering the hit you'd take in trying
to emulate an R3000, you'd STILL need to run things through a 3D
accelerator. All in all, its just apples & oranges.
I'm a happy guy. I own a Playstation (which now costs only $199), and
my Pentium, so I'm in no hurry whatsoever for Psygnosis to do a PC
port. And if you consider that for less than the price of one of the
new PCI 3D graphics boards you can buy the Playstation, a steering
wheel and the game, it suddenly seems silly to be pining away for a PC
version which, WITHOUT the 3D graphics board, is going to be a
stripped version of the heavily hardware assisted Playstation
Also, consider that Psygnosis is using Digital Dolby Surround, and if
you have any kind of home theater setup and a big TV, Psygnosis F1
will be FANTASTIC on a Television. And oh yeah, note that they have
preserved the television appearance in the game with the EDS scoring
systems and split times....it will feel like you're watching it on TV,
and listening to the doppler effects of F1 engines all around you. I