I ran it from windows without rebooting. Just make sure the
Advanced Program Properties has every box unchecked and
the default screen mode is FULL. I have a P5-200MMX and
it is a very high framerate with full detail.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
Good luck to the originator of this thread. Just wanted to let you know
that N2 has no inherent Win 98 problem.
Rick Miller
>I ran it from windows without rebooting. Just make sure the
>Advanced Program Properties has every box unchecked and
>the default screen mode is FULL. I have a P5-200MMX and
>it is a very high framerate with full detail.
>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
>>Has anyone had any luck getting any Sierra or Sierra Sports title to
>>work thru Win 98. I know there is a problem with GPL Demo and N2, but
>>I get a "integer divided by zero " when I try to install FPS Golf. Is
>>there a fix to any of these. I know about the GPL fix and it didn't
>>work for me. I would be willing to go back to Win95 but does anyone
>>know the best way of doing it.?
The next thing you will want to do is to download and install the
CORRECT drivers for your sound and video cards, as the ones that
Windows 98 installs aren't always quite right.
Good luck!
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