Yes, I agree. GP2 is truly showing it's age now. The game has 2d-physics and
2 and 1/2 d graphics ;-).
Regards K.S. Br?nnick
Yes, I agree. GP2 is truly showing it's age now. The game has 2d-physics and
2 and 1/2 d graphics ;-).
Regards K.S. Br?nnick
Interesting to hear everyone touting the".. accurate physics.." of GPL. My
question is simple: how does everyone KNOW how accurate the physics model is?
When is the last time anyone has driven a 1967 F1 car (probably 1967!).
Truth is, driving a racecar is as much " seat of the pants " as anything in
getting feedback as to how it handles. Forgive me, this may be sacrilege, but I
don't think this kind of feedback is present in the game.
I'm not really sure how accurate the physics model is. It certainly may give
the impression that it is accurate. Actually, i think that GP2 might be far
better in simulating the downforce aspects of the modern F1 car. Even so, same
arguement applies: no real idea how accurate it is.
How do you know that the TV you bought really gives the most accurate
picture? Because of the advertising hype? No, it's because you have a
fair idea how reality should look, and your eyes do the comparison for
You may not be intimately acquainted with the electronics that Sony,
JVC or whoever spent years developing, but you have a pretty good
> >>"Interesting" physics? I'd say the most
> >>>accurate to date would be a better description.
> >Interesting to hear everyone touting the".. accurate physics.." of GPL.
> >question is simple: how does everyone KNOW how accurate the physics
model is?
> >When is the last time anyone has driven a 1967 F1 car (probably 1967!).
> > Truth is, driving a racecar is as much " seat of the pants " as
anything in
> >getting feedback as to how it handles. Forgive me, this may be
sacrilege, but I
> >don't think this kind of feedback is present in the game.
> >I'm not really sure how accurate the physics model is. It certainly may
> >the impression that it is accurate. Actually, i think that GP2 might be
> >better in simulating the downforce aspects of the modern F1 car. Even
so, same
> >arguement applies: no real idea how accurate it is.
Then there's the time my throttle cable broke and I had to pass a bit of
twine through the firewall to the throttle levers on the carb. Got home by
pulling the string instead of mashing the pedal . . . . Fun, it was . . .
>> Is there anyone else out there who thinks this hype about GPL is
>> overrated?
>> It looks like a good F1 sim, but nothing I'd spend too much time
>> with.
>> jmho
>> ?rjan S.
> >This probably doesent make me a weighty critic, but I hope I'm entitled
> >to think it's overrated anyway :-).
> Absolutely true!
> >I have just spent an hour or so with GPL, but it took me no more than 10
> >seconds to think that the clutch was a plain joke. Unless it's supposed
> >to be semi-automatic..
> Just out of curiosity.... what do you use to "control" the clutch?
> And have you ever tried a car fitted with a race-clutch?
> Well, if you havn't.... please let me try and explain how it works.
> A race-clutch is basicly made for one thing... the start. It's a very
> "on/off" kinda thing, meaning that it wont work like a normal car clutch.
> It's *very* sensitive and made to work at high revs.
> Another thing worth mentioning is that you DON'T use the clutch when you
> shift gears in a *proper* race-car. Real race-cars got un-sycronized
> gearboxes that are fitted with dog-rings and not the usual syncro-rings you
> find in a normal-car. The dog-rings allow the driver to change gears
> *without* using the clutch. The drive only have to lift the throttle a bit
> as he shifts gear. The lifting is done to a: avoid over reving the engine
> and b: aid the dog-rings to "mesh".
> >However, after my first crash, I could still drive without one front wheel.
> Did you watch the RAC rally just a few weeks ago?
> Makinen (sp?) drove his car on three wheels (missing right rear) for a
> pretty good distance... In fact he could have continued thru to the service
> area, had not the police prohibited him from driving on public roads
> (transport stage) with only 3 wheels... :-)
> All the best,
> Edwin Solheim
> Check out "The Paddock - a legendary site..." for
> some cool GPL-stuff!!
> [
> >"Interesting" physics? I'd say the most
> >>accurate to date would be a better description.
> Interesting to hear everyone touting the".. accurate physics.." of GPL. My
> question is simple: how does everyone KNOW how accurate the physics model is?
Well you can expect to get toasted over this statement but I for one
tend to agree with you<g>. GPL may be the be all, end all of racing sims
to a lot of people but I can take it or leave it myself. Its fun but
certainly nothing I'd spend months learning how to do well with.
One thing I'm happy about though is that Papyrus is doing N3, N2000 or
whatever it'll be called, this is a sim I am very interested in.
Wish Papy would do the new Cart sim first there already seems to
be more then enough attention Nascar stuff . Just my $0.02 !