It would be nice to drive against yourself as you were a couple of month
ago, to see where you have improved. It's always nice to see oneself improve
I would love to race against other drivers AI :o).
>>I have an idea that shouldn't be too hard to implement in racing sims.
>>Add a feature where the sim "records" how the driver drives a track.
>>Then you can choose to drive against the AI, where the AI drives like
>>you do. Your driving line, braking points, acceleration, braking
>>distance, etc... Imagine racing against 10 to 20 such AI cars. It
>>should make for some really close racing, and you will think the AI
>>are acting very realistic.
>>While you race yourself, you will of course improve, and the "record
>>driver" feature could be on during these races, so you can later
>>choose to race the better version of yourself.
>>You could also save your AI data, so another driver could race against
>>your AI, or race against a lot of other drivers AI at the same time.
>>It would probably be great practice to prepare you for online racing.
>>Watch a race at Mexico (GPL) from one of the fastest guys on the net
>>and then watch the AI in GPL. You realize the AI have no clue on which
>>racing line is the fastest :o). The AI in GPL doesn't drive like Jim
>>Clark did either, but the fastest drivers on the net do :o).
>Yeah! Sounds like a great idea and, as you say, one that at first glance
>would seem reasonably easy to implement. What info about your driving
>would the computer require?
>As far as I can see the most important parts are the driving line, when
>you start braking, how much you tend to lock up under braking and
>relative speed through the corners. Then all that needs to be done is
>get a mean average for these 4 elements, add a little variation to the
>AI drivers so that some might be slightly better whilst others are
>slightly worse and you've got some pretty similar driving styles out
>Whether this info could be updated whilst actually racing against other
>cars I'm not too sure, what with frame rates being at a premium as they
>are in GPL, but it sure would make a nice feature:-)
>Peter Ives