In Peter Burke excellently pointed out:
(x) somebody whose net access should be reconsidered by
(x) an undergrad with no clue but a net accout
(x) looking for attention in the wrong crowd
( ) a rejected hotshot sim driver that faces sim series
director boycott (because he's so damn good!)
(x) a rejected rookie sim driver that faces sim series
director boycott (because he's so annoying!)
(x) too stupid to distinguish between any of the existing
online racing series
( ) expert in copyright laws regarding use of trademarks
on pixelpainted virtual race cars
(x) a total retard
( ) a misunderstood genius
( ) racing sim's messiah, who will bring us the mother of all
driving sims - not just some hybrid ***like ICR
(x) somebody who can't spell
( ) a major pain in the derriere wasting our bandwidth and
(x) late for work at BurgerWorld (hmmm, curly fries...)
( ) busy hacking code on his ICR track editor and engine
add-on module (with proper sound and subwoofer support)
( ) going to be pissed at me forever ;-)
And for some more opinions....
(x) doesn't know when to stop until he finds himself
dismembered and crapped on...and even then only maybe...
(x) is the kind of guy who likes to push buttons on all sorts
of gadgets to see which one makes the most noise...
(x) annoys the living shit out of anyone and everyone
(x) should dig a hole, hop in it, and have us dump a 100 ton
pile of cow-dung ontop...
(x) a royal party-pooper....
Oh btw Byron, good luck in the virtual racing world! ;)
P.S: Your sig says a lot by itself...
NIGHTSTALKERS 37th TFW University of Helsinki
Physics/Computer Science
"It seems to be easier to go -V.Adm. Tom Connolly, USN
to the moon than it is to get Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
a good air-to-air missile." 1971 Senate Armed Services Committee