>>>Again, not too bad. Trouble is that the Coventry's only advantage is
>>>that you are less likely to fall off the track with it.
>>I feel that's an oversimplification, John.
>>As I said in my notes on the Coventry, the fact that it is more
>>forgiving makes it a much better tool for learning, for both driving and
>>race tactics. Because you're not always fighting the car to keep it
>>pointed straight, you have more brain power left for honing your car
>>control skills, for finding the best line, finding the best braking
>>points, and so forth. You have time to think, time to react if you go
>>in too deep or turn in too late.
>Yes, but if you meet someone who can do that in a Lotus while you can
>only do it in a Coventry they will wipe the floor with you. The
>Coventry is my favourite car in GPL and I've spent a lot of time with
>it on and offline, but at no track can I even approach my best time
>with the Lotus.
>It's a good car to have fun in and a good car to learn in, but that
>doesn't make it a good car overall. You will certainly be there or
>thereabouts, but you will only win races through the misfortune of
>others, almost never by dint of your own driving. I raced the Coventry
>at Spa during our LAN weekend with Mike Laskey in the Lotus - I was
>turning 3:27s or so in the Coventry by _seriously_ throwing the car
>around, driving far harder than I had to in the Lotus. However Mike
>was turning 3:21s in the Lotus and I never saw him. He could afford to
>slow down by three or four seconds per lap and still beat me, so the
>risk of an accident in the Lotus was minimal.
>As long as you're happy driving safely and waiting to capitalise on
>someone's misfortune then that's fine, but I prefer to race for the
>win and go out and take it if I can. As I said, the Coventry's
>advantage is that you're less likely to fall of the track with it, but
>it's very difficult to use it to go and take the race by the scruff of
>the neck.
Well, Spa (and probably Monza) are going to really emphasize the
weakness of the heavier/slower cars. I -- in a Lotus -- wound up
behind AH -- in a Matsumura -- at Watkins about a week ago, and
bounced around in her mirrors for about 10 laps without finding a
clean spot to pass. Don't you just hate it when the driver in
front of you doesn't get rattled? ;-)
Now, I'm certainly not a hot shoe, but can manage to run 1:07 -
1:08 race laps at the Glen in the Lotus while keeping it pointed
in generally the correct direction for successive laps. AH was
not blocking, but just running her line. I had a few looks here
and there -- especially down the inside at The Loop -- but
nothing looked promising. We chatted a bit at the end of the
race as how I was unable to simply power by going down the front
straight or The Loop - The Speed Trap section. I might have
drafted and gave it a shot on a late-braking off-line corner
entry, but it would have been a high risk deal for both of us....
that 'scruff of the neck' deal, I suppose <g>. I do think I
might have pulled out a slight lead had I got by, but getting
cleanly by on the twisty circuit was the problem. It was once of
my favorite races to date, BTW.
Bottom line, in VROC pick-up races I've seen the Cov and the Mat
do quite well considering the range of skill level in the average
online contest. Get a group of drivers together that can
decimate the AI drivers, now that's another scenario altogether.
Mark R.