Cart Racing

Marcos Vivia

Cart Racing

by Marcos Vivia » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I recently put a copy of cart back on my computer. I was wondering if
anybody can remember the ftp or web sites that had all those setups on them



Ps    Has anybody else out there had problems w/sound & graphics card
conflicts ??

I have an SB Live s/card with a SB TNT 2 AGP v/card and i can only run Cart
racing with direct sound & direct video switched off. Has anybody out there
solved this problem ??

Thanks again

Matthew D. Sulliv

Cart Racing

by Matthew D. Sulliv » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>I recently put a copy of cart back on my computer. I was wondering if
>anybody can remember the ftp or web sites that had all those setups on them


Try the Snake's setups, they work the best for me.

-Matt S.


Cart Racing

by Rikanthr » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Here's a site, you can find plenty of setups here***world/

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"


Cart Racing

by Ralp » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:31:28 +0800, "Marcos Vivian"
On the sound card issue, I had similar problems.  Had to change the
IRQ and DMA settings on the legacy drive (dos) to 1.  I believe you
need to look for DMA 5 and IRQ of 1 or 10.  Something like that.  You
may have to uninstall a device that is using these resources then
reinstall after changing your sound card setup.

Some URLs are as follows:***world/icr2/index.html  (look in their archives section)
The last is an old links page, but some of the pages still exist.

Good Luck and have fun.


Cart Racing

by Ralp » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:31:28 +0800, "Marcos Vivian"

>I recently put a copy of cart back on my computer. I was wondering if
>anybody can remember the ftp or web sites that had all those setups on them



>Ps    Has anybody else out there had problems w/sound & graphics card
>conflicts ??

>I have an SB Live s/card with a SB TNT 2 AGP v/card and i can only run Cart
>racing with direct sound & direct video switched off. Has anybody out there
>solved this problem ??

>Thanks again

I used to have converted tracks for ICR2 that included Homestead,
Atlanta etc.  Anyone know where I can get these tracks again.  New PC
old files long gone.  I really ejoyed Atlanta and Homestead on ICR2.
Thanks for any help.
Dave Henri

Cart Racing

by Dave Henri » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

  You can "buy" the official convertor from the USpits.  $15 bucks US
gets you the N2>ICR2 track convertor, the ICR2>N2 track convertor and
"possibly" a foot in the door when the GPL track convertor is released.
dave henrie

> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:31:28 +0800, "Marcos Vivian"

> >I recently put a copy of cart back on my computer. I was wondering if
> >anybody can remember the ftp or web sites that had all those setups on them
> >???

> >Thanks

> >Marcos

> >Ps    Has anybody else out there had problems w/sound & graphics card
> >conflicts ??

> >I have an SB Live s/card with a SB TNT 2 AGP v/card and i can only run Cart
> >racing with direct sound & direct video switched off. Has anybody out there
> >solved this problem ??

> >Thanks again

> I used to have converted tracks for ICR2 that included Homestead,
> Atlanta etc.  Anyone know where I can get these tracks again.  New PC
> old files long gone.  I really ejoyed Atlanta and Homestead on ICR2.
> Thanks for any help.
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