GPL uses Constant Force (Vector Forces in i-Force) to program the feedback
instead of Spring Forces. Constant Force has to be updated frequently, every
frame (or even better, every millisecond), and is much harder to do,
especially smoothly, than Spring Force programming. But I think GPL pulls it
off very nicely. It's probably why you can get such subtle traction feedback
from the wheels. Because it's so much harder to do right, most games use
Spring Force and I fear that most of the new sims will also. In this
respect, at least, GPL may stay as a top sim for quite some time.
Theoretically, GPL ignores your spring settings. But due to crossovers and
general harmonics, putting a value in Spring Gain could throw out some
unexpected signals, spikes, glitches or whatever. If you don't notice a
difference, then it doesn't matter what you set it at. I use 0% just to be
> Why do you set the spring to 0%? I tried both settings, 0% and 150%,
> and I'm not sure what the difference is.
> Andre
> >> How should I set the control panel sliders?
> >> Currently: FF effects=150%, Spring=150%, Damping=0%.
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >FF effects 150%, spring 0% and damping 0%
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> So far, I've found that FF makes it much more difficult to catch a
> >> When the back end starts to slip and I feed in opposite lock, the wheel
> >> seems to force an overcorrection, the car slams back the other way, the
> >wheel
> >> follows very powerfully and the oscillations just get wilder and wilder
> >with
> >> no hope of recovery.
> >> Do your settings make any difference to this effect?
> >> Anton
> >----
> >Yes, they'll make a difference. Probably a large difference.
> >Slot