> Finally after a year I finally got Speedvision ummm, Speed Channel back.
> Moved to a new place and was out of luck for a while. I thought NASCAR took
> over this channel? Based on what I've seen so far it is pretty much the
> same. I've seen F-1, Rally, CART, Superbikes and all the other great stuff
> I used to see.
> Was everyone just jumping to conclusions before?
> - David Cook
I don't think they've dropped any significant race coverage this year.
There was plenty of "empty space" in the old Speedvision schedule.
All the new additional NASCAR stuff hasn't crowded out any significant
race coverage YET.
As far as non-race coverage goes, they've kept the neat "Legends of
Motorsport" for now. I am recording all episodes that I am interested
in. They aren't making any new ones though, so I expect it to
disappear in the next year or so.
They did kill off the "Lost Drive-in" show with Bruce Dern on Sat.
nights. Which upsets me some, because I love those funky old car
chase movies from the 60s & 70s. But it was probably bound to die
eventually (just like MonsterVision on TBS).
The long-term expectation is that NASCAR-related coverage will
continue to grow on Speed...along with it's "sister" channels Fox and
FX. Like kudzu, it may eventually squeeze everything else out to the
margins. If that really happens, we can hope that ESPN will pick up
the "droppings" from Speed and start all over again.
- Ted