> buy.com advertised a shitload of laserdiscs at $1.11 (I think) each
> as such got a massive signup for them. Unsurprisingly it was a ploy to
> drive up their potential value to investors prior to floatation.
Thus, no
> laserdiscs for the people who signed up.
> M
> >Buy.com are a bunch of idiots & downright dishonest. For an
> >view on Buy.com, check Dejanews for alt.laserdisc and the recent
> >buy.com fiasco.
> >Z.
Pricegrabber will tell you which items buy.com is losing the most money
on and ifthey have it in stock. Most problems accur at buy.com when an
item is out of stock and they do not let you know that the item has to
be back ordered. Check their site and let me know what you think.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
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