The automatic provision of car files is something I think we would all love
to see in NR2003, but I believe it has been omited due to bandwidth
To distribute cars for a, say, 20 car field would take a long time.
Now, what _would_ be neat is if it linked to an online car pool somewhere
that someone could put their car, and it would only have to be downloaded
the first time you race with someone. However the issue there would be you
would end up with 9 million cars in your cars directories, and the
management of duplicates would be another chore.
> >Wouldn't it be great if there was an external program written by someone
> >handle ALL of the car painting needs for NR2003, including spitting out
> >final, ready-to-use car :)
> Wouldn't it be great if the game itself would do this? I managed to paint
> car, well I stole one which came in the game and changed the number and
> sponsorship, by just stumbling around in the paint shop. Car showed up on
> screen when I drove.
> Then, when my regular buddies suggest swapping carfiles, the nightmare
> Everything else is so well thought out, but this is a quagmire. When I'm
> running my preferred "run around and *** people" simulator and the
> changes to a map I don't have, it automatically downloads and installs, I
> nothing but join the carnage a minute later than everyone else. Why can't
> just automatically swap carfiles with a switch for those with small
> or slow connections to turn it off?
> Don McCorkle