Tip for AL users: Ask them for replacement parts BEFORE they break or you
will be SOL for a while as you wait for them to arrive. (see why below)
Temp fix for broken throttle spring: Use 1 spring from the clutch pedal.
It gives a bit stiffer feel than 2 gas springs, but not so hard that it
interferes with driving.
Possible fix for the broken brake pedal problem: Take the ball out and work
it repeatedly with your fingers. Do it a bunch of times and it will weaken
the ball, to the point where I no longer hear any brake pedal cracking
noises. I heard the new brake pedals they use are stronger though.
Problems with AL replacement parts:
1. Unfortunately, since they are based in Canada, the springs could take 3
weeks (and have taken that long for me) in shipping time alone (in my case
to GA). I read you can have them shipped faster if you pay extra though.
2. They sometimes take a long time to actually ship the springs in the
first place.
When my throttle springs broke (didn't actually break, just wore out so that
they wouldn't return to the full "off" position, but just sagged down
halfway), I asked for a replacement. Asked for 2 sets b/c I race in a
league (offered to pay extra for the extra set). They said no problem,
didn't make me pay extra, and shipped them within a week I think (but took 3
weeks after that to get here from Canada). When I got them, they weren't
throttle springs, but brakes springs (same thickness as brake springs
anyway). Not only did they also not return the throttle pedal to the "off"
position after installation, it felt terrible. Had to brace your leg down
to keep on the throttle at the SS.
Asked them to send me 2 sets of regular gas springs as they said they would
the first time. They said they were waiting for a shipment of new gas
springs made with a "stronger alloy" (this has yet to be determined, but
read further to find out why I don't believe it), and they should be
arriving in about a week, then they would ship them. After a month and no
springs, I emailed them asking for a new Pot for the wheel which had worn
out by then, and also asked about the springs. About a month after that, I
recieved the Pot first and then 3 sets of gas springs (which feel just like
the original BTW). If they were made of a new stronger alloy, why would
they send 3 sets to satisfy me rather than the 2 I asked for, or even 1 set
(if they are stronger I shouldn't need 3 sets)?
In any case, these 3 sets should last me until the 1 year warranty is up,
after that I'm going with TSW (Lifetime Warranty). I might even have stuck
with AL if I could just buy the replacement parts ahead of time, but I can't
afford to have something break on me the night before a league race and be
Overall I'm 50/50 with AL, they're replacement service isn't very timely in
my experience (especially for parts that shouldn't have broken in the first
place excluding the worn out POT), but they did deliver in the end. If I
hadn't used the 1 clutch spring trick, I wouldn't have been able to race at
all until the new springs arrived (the stock AL pedals are more or less
unusable to me).