Speaking of the history of this joint, I hung out here a lot back in the
late 90s. The most controversial period I remember was upon the release of
Cart Precision (man, that word still makes me laugh) Racing. (LOL-makes me
laugh just thinking about it). Talk about shit hitting the fan! Never has so
much hype been about a sim that turned out to be alpha rubbish!
It was this event that got simmers to be extremely pessimistic about all
sim releases since - and normally for good reason. So many expected so much.
Some were convinced - some were outraged that some were convinced. Shit was
flying in all directions, threats of legal action (slander) and generally
the internets version of a WWF Smackdown! Good stuff!
Can any of the regs point to a more stirring time? Probably the release
of GPL was the exact opposite.
> On Sun, 16 May 2004 15:38:15 -0400, "ymenard"
> >Fun :
> >http://groups-beta.google.com/group/rec.autos.simulators/about
> >Check out the peak circa summer of 2000. Just before the proliferation
> >web-boards.
> Amazing. What happened in the summer of 2000 to cause 12,000
> posts a month? Now we get about 1/4 of the posts we averaged
> back then (~6000 in more normal months vs. 1500 now).
> I'm going to check out how some of the other groupsI frequent
> have done over the years...
> John DiFool