> >Having done a bit of driving at (and sometimes beyond) the limit in
> >Skip Barber's cars, it's fairly apparent to me that feeling the
> >self-aligning torque of the front wheels and the rotational
> >accelerations of your body are critical to good car control. I'd love
> >to see a force feedback unit that could deliver the correct "feel"
> >from an authenticate physics model. (Unfortunately, such a device will
> >not be built for less that $1000 in the next several years, from what
> >I can see...)
> Curious if you've had a chance to try out Thrustmaster's upcoming feedback
> steering wheel? I'm hoping force-feedback will add quite a lot to the
> driving sim experience.
> >ObPlug for Skip Barber (or the equivalent presumably): If you can
> >afford it, it's a fantastic experience. The three day competition
> >course taught me more than any other three days in my life (at least
> >about driving race cars :-) )
> Also curious how much the driving course at Skip Barber costs?
> I'm planning on spending quite a bit to go see one of the European F1 races in
> the next year or two and wondering if racing school might be worth the
> money first.
> >>Let's hope maybe some of the programmers and producers of future driving sims
> >>will stumble on this thread and make these things a reality :-)
> >Oh, we're watching...
> >---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
> And we sure do appreciate it too Jim, keep up the good work :-)
> Glad to have you here.
> Cheers.
> --John
> --
> Note: my real e-mail address is below. Delete the asterisks.
> ------------------------------+--------------------------
> Seattle, Washington USA. | http://www.racesimcentral.net/~jsilva
Thrustmaster, and it felt pretty good. There is a slight tug on cornering, which gradually gets stronger as
you corner harder. When you hit a wall or other cars, it jolts. It even registers driving on grass with a
light rumble. My only complaint is that the feedback didn't have enough force, but the final version I'm told
would be much stronger and forceful. My only question is how durable will the steering wheel be. It really
brings sims one major step closer to the real thing. This peripheral will be a NECESSITY.