Or words to that effect. If you've played F1RS (English) enough times,
you'll recognise the afore-mentioned. Somebody change the menu sounds
please!!! But anyway, I've some gripes about F1RS that I think should be
addressed :
(i) We should have an option to rename the save-game files. Although the
current trouble involved in saving a game discourages random
load-game-save-game as practiced in GP2, multiple save games may be
required for multiple. In my case, my brother and I share the same
comp,so care has to be taken not to overwrite the other parties'
Just a feature to enable naming of saved race files while the race is in
progress would also be nice. It would also be cool to be pause the
action before and after a load game sequence.
(ii)Allow us to change the pit options while the game is paused ( la
Papy). This is particularly after smashing a wing. Too much fuel is then
put-in and would dirupt the current pit strategies. Having to spend 20s
just to restore original strategy is not realistic. Real teams have the
engineers to do that, not the driver.
(iii) This should be simple enough the patch. Not that I'll know
otherwise, but the tyres seem to take about 2 laps to warm up after a
pit stop. I can start a race with `scrubbed' (used) tyres, but can't do
anything about what's given in the race. This would be appropriate in an
Indycar sim, but F1 has tyre warmers. On a similar note, as in the real
F1, we shouldn't have to change tyre compounds (i.e. use Ds for qual and
Bs for race). I believe that at most, we can have an `option' tyre, but
not specific tyre choice.
(iv) Telemetry options should allow viewing of wheelspin options. There
is otherwise no means of determining proper brake bias other than lots
of running. Telemetry should also allow the overlaying of the track map
on the charts. It should also not zoom back all the time when any thing
else is pressed.
(v) I think there's something wrong with the telemetry readouts of
ground clearance. It seems to go negative way before I hear any scraping
(awful sound), so I'm afraid to run it too low (i.e. I follow the
conservative telemetry readings) for fear of the plank progressively
wearing out.
(vi) Pros and experts should also be given a chance to restart game and
select weather options. The AI is reasonably difficult at expert, but in
the race, it's like they were all born with webbed feet, or I'm Jacques
Villeneuve ;-)
(vii) Somebody please tell me, can I really see blistering on the front
I'm hope these comments are taken constructively. I'm still am becoming
a great fan of this sim and am enjoying more with each race. One thing's
for sure, it's better than GP2 was out of the box, and look where that
baby is now...
Off the soapbox,