For anyone that is having trouble running DOS games under
on! Regardless of what Microsoft tells you, DOS based games are
happiest when run under DOS...end of story. If you want a sure-fire,
guaranteed way of playing your games the way they were designed, just do
the following:
1) Find the file MSDOS.SYS on your boot drive (usually C:). You'll
have to turn off the hidden, system, and read-only attributes
for the file. You can do this by changing the properties of
the file in Explorer. Then make a copy of the file for
posterity (and peace of mind). Call it MSDOS.BK or something.
2) Edit the original file using WordPad or the editor of your
3) Make it look like this (before the part that says "The following
lines are required..."). The arrowed part on the right is my
comments on each line...delete my comments.
WinDir=C:\WIN95 <=these 3 lines you can leave alone
WinBootDir=C:\WIN95 " " " " " " "
HostWinBootDrv=C " " " " " " "
BootMenu=1 <=this turns on a Boot Manager Menu
BootMe***fault=1 <=this sets the default to WIN95
BootMe***lay=5 <=after 5 seconds, boot the default
BootMulti=1 <=enables multisystem booting
BootGUI=1 <=set to zero to boot to a WIN95 C: prompt
Network=1 <=you figure it out... :)
4) Re-install DOS 6.x (or PC-DOS 7) into the C:\DOS directory. A
wise move would have been to Zip your DOS directory before
installing '95, in which case you could just unzip it, but if
you didn't, re-install it. Win95 install deletes and modifies
some files, so you'll need to reinstall. If you have a copy of
your original DOS intact, it's easier to copy them back in than
to reinstall.
5) After re-installing, check that MSDOS.SYS is still the same. If
not, put the above back.
Now when you fire up your PC, you'll have a menu of choices before Win95
starts. On my system, item 8 is "Boot to previous operating system",
which was DOS 6.2.
DISCLAIMER: This worked fine on my machine, but don't hold me
responsible for damages... :)
Good luck and happy racing!
Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA