As we all know, the version of ICR2 that comes with the Screamin' 3D
card comes with 5 "enhanced" tracks. As soon as I bought it I just had
to know how to "enhance" Indianapolis. A HUGE amount of thanks goes out
to Shane Pitkin of Velocity Motorsports, Domm, and also those who
responded to my earlier posts and questions. After blindly swapping
files, I was pointed to Shane's page...
He has a beautiful picture of an enhanced Indy. After seeing that I
just HAD to figure this thing out. Shane doesn't mention what files
exactly were swapped (unless I missed it) to create his enhanced Indy,
so alot was still guesswork. After my hours of work, I thought I'd pass
along what I have so far and see if anyone else would like to share
their choices.
To make this simple, I'll list this in 3 columns: 1) What file was
REPLACED, 2) What file was used to replace it, 3) Where the new file was
extracted from.
Old File New File Origin horiz.3do horiz.3do Michhq.dat Obviously the enhanced Michigan track was my first donor. I didn't keep *** Remove NOSPAM to reply by email ***
horiz.mip horiz.m16 Michhq.dat
sky.mip skyindex.m16 & sky.mi4 Michhq.dat
crowd1.mip crowd1.m16 Michhq.dat
wall.mip inwall.m16 (renamed to wall.m16) Michhq.dat
elktree1.pmp elktree1.pm4 Michhq.dat
elktree1.pmp elktree2.pm4 Michhq.dat
elktree3.pmp elktree3.pm4 Michhq.dat
tree1.pmp tree1.p16 Michhq.dat
tree2.pmp tree2.p16 Lagunahq.dat
tree3.pmp tree3.p16 Lagunahq.dat
tree4.pmp tree4.p16 Lagunahq.dat
asphalt.mip asphalt.mi4 & asphalt.mip N2's
track of these files until AFTER I was done, so it's possible I screwed
up something here. Typos are also possible. If so, let me know. For
those who are interested in doing this yourself, check out the page
listed above. It was VERY helpful and I would still be clueless without
it, so thanks again to Velocity Motorsports and Domm!!!!! If anyone
wants to contribute other track conversions, please do! Talladega is
next on my list :) I can post images of my conversion in the binaries
section if requested. When I started, all I wanted was new walls and
clouds in the sky. As you can see, a LOT more got changed. I have to
say that the trees made the most notable difference.
Eric Ruhl