Be careful : I'm french => poor english
Did you try to make a lap of Monza (for example) with Mr Rosset 's Car
'cause it feel like performance & behavoir depend a lot of the car choosen
With a Williams I could reach quite easily 1 23 000 (keyboards, all helps)
With an Arrows (Mr Rosset) I reach with difficulties 1 25 500 (keyboards,
all helps)
I Know that Mr Rosset is from Switherland so could be slow but it can't be
the main reason
The engine don't have the same power
The Behavior of the car is different too
I didn't dare The Forti car but it could be difficult to reach 1 30 000
Realistic no ?
But to make the pole you need to sacrify a top driver and take his place
GP2 didn't offer such realism
Did you experiment such things ?
Avez-vous expriment la chose ?