Help with hotlaps


Help with hotlaps

by Eldre » Tue, 01 Aug 2000 04:00:00

Someone wanted to see a couple of my laps before.  I've posted some replays to
the binaries group.  It's a zipfile with replays from 9 tracks.  All except for
Kyalami and Zandvoort are PBs.  If anyone could give me some tips on getting
faster, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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Randy Rig

Help with hotlaps

by Randy Rig » Tue, 01 Aug 2000 04:00:00


Could you re-post please, my server is missing parts.



Help with hotlaps

by MaXX » Tue, 01 Aug 2000 04:00:00

Hey Eldred,

Unfortunately only part 4 on my newserver (which is Giganews, normally
excellent), maybe 1-3 will appear in the next few hours.

Anyway, obvioulsy not looked at your replays so can't comment, plus
as a relative GPL newbie who's only just dipped below 50 (49.24 so
just above St Eldreds Cup -10sec) I can't be too insightfull, just
thought I'd share my recent experience with you.

I tend to compare my times to papy benchmark and calculate the
percentage shortfal (in most cases) that I am and work on the one were
I am the slowest in comparison. I have very little time for GPL so I
like to make the most of what little I have.

The particular track that was a bit of a bogie (i.e. problem) for me
was Mosport and I notice, doing a b2b comparison with you that this is
perhaps your "worst" track. I spent about say 40 minutes on it the
other day, the first 20 were a joke, didn't even get round in one
piece, next 10 mins I switched to external view (as I really didn't
have the line through the corners in my mind). In that 10mins I
knocked almost 3 secs off my PB, and on switching back to in-car
was able to get within a few 10ths of that for the next few laps.

The main points are :
1) I was ready to give up on this track.
2) The external view eventually gave me a new insight which I was
able to then work with,

If I'd had more time I think I could have knocked another second off
my time (I'm still over 2secs slower than Papy benchmark).

BTW I think I used Alison Hines setup (Lotus).

Good Luck (although of course any improvement will see me back in
St Eldreds Cup . so don't try too hard :-)

BTW, name on GPL not MaXX, look for 49.24 if you want to compare



Help with hotlaps

by Eldre » Wed, 02 Aug 2000 04:00:00


?!  I can't attach files to a newsgroup message with AOL(grr...).  I had to do
it with another ISP and Free Agent.  I guess it didn't work very well... :(

I'm currently at 106.3% at Mosport, and 106.2% at Nurburgring.  Next highest
percentage is 104.9% at Mexico.

I'm trying to avoid the external view, but I may have to use it just to get a
better idea of the line...


Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL hcp. +59.33

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
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Help with hotlaps

by MaXX » Wed, 02 Aug 2000 04:00:00


Look like it didn't, checked this a.m. and no additional parts

Looks like you use the same method. I improved a couple of times
yesterday (not posted to GPLRank yet) and my worst is Nurb at 104.67%
but it really needs some time to attack that.

Me too, but I did find it useful when I first got the demo, to see
what the car was doing in the corners, I find it easier to control the
car from the***pit view and have never really used it since the
demo, but it definitely helped me get the line around Mosport, also
to see what the back end was doing (in terms of compression etc.)
which is not that easy from the***pit view.

I havent tried it, but I suspect looking at your own replays from the
external view may give you some insights.



Help with hotlaps

by Eldre » Wed, 02 Aug 2000 04:00:00


Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought you meant DRIVING in the external view.<shrug>
I usually look at the replays from SEVERAL angles - it just doesn't always

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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GPL hcp. +59.33

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
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Help with hotlaps

by MaXX » Wed, 02 Aug 2000 04:00:00


Sorry, my earlier comment on Mosport was DRIVING, I find I don't
really pick much up from other peoples replays (that helps) as there
are so many different styles, and unless you have and use the setup
that goes with them, it's counter-productive IMHO.

There are 2-blind left-handers, both dropping away at Mosport and
I just wasn't getting these at all. Also the jump before the final
rt/left/rt I wasn't sure what was happening at the back end. As it
was it was jumping quite a bit. I've seen replays were the car is
still under accelleration over this and I probably need to do this to
get below the papy benchmark, but for the moment I'm off the
gas before the jump.

Anyway, had a quite day today and yesterday and just took almost 9
secs off my GPLRank, Monaco and Mexico mainly which I'd hardly
run on except to get a banker time, almost took another 9secs off with
a hotlap of the ring but lost it on the left hander just before
the end, checked it and I was over 9secs up on my previous best.

No secret to the above, Monaco was the first lap I'd done without
some incident, plus getting the hang of the chicane a little.

Mexico again was the first lap that was anywhere near smooth
and had the car somewhere near where I wanted it. Took a good
20-30 laps to get to that stage, was getting a little disillusioned.

Zandvoort, Spa and Rouen are next on my list, plus another
go at the ring. I love Zan but can't seem to get a quick one in,
Spa, i've done half laps that if added together would see me
5-6secs quicker, Rouen, again I love but must be doing something
wrong somewhere.

My approach doesn't help much, the coaches will tell you to
start slow and build up bit by bit but I tend to start fast (too fast)
and just get slower until I don't have any accidents :-).

That's NOT what I told my student however (I was an instructor
with Jim Russull School) obviously this is NOT RECOMMENDED
in real life :-)



BTW. Any Jim Russell students out there playing GPL ?????????


Help with hotlaps

by Eldre » Thu, 03 Aug 2000 04:00:00



>>Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought you meant DRIVING in the external
>>I usually look at the replays from SEVERAL angles - it just doesn't always

>Sorry, my earlier comment on Mosport was DRIVING, I find I don't
>really pick much up from other peoples replays (that helps) as there
>are so many different styles, and unless you have and use the setup
>that goes with them, it's counter-productive IMHO.

>There are 2-blind left-handers, both dropping away at Mosport and
>I just wasn't getting these at all. Also the jump before the final
>rt/left/rt I wasn't sure what was happening at the back end. As it
>was it was jumping quite a bit. I've seen replays were the car is
>still under accelleration over this and I probably need to do this to
>get below the papy benchmark, but for the moment I'm off the
>gas before the jump.

I *know* I'm off the gas before the jump.  If I keep it on the floor, there's
NO way I can slow down before the turn.  This, Flugplatz(similar jump at the
Ring), Masta at Spa, and the chicane at Monaco are spots where the hotshoes are
flat out.  I can't do it.  I can't for the life of me figure out how THEY do
it...<scratches head>

How are you comparing your laps - GPL race analyzer?  I haven't found a 'time
difference' in SpyGirl.

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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GPL hcp. +59.33

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Peter Ive

Help with hotlaps

by Peter Ive » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00


Just lots of practice and trial and error I would imagine.  Like I said
in another post about the jump at Mosport, if you turn in early after
you land then the car doesn't seem to drift as wide.  I checked my PB
replay and I do lift just slightly before the rise, dropping 1 mph and
then I'm back on the gas doing 176 as I jump, then *** the brakes
and turn in early.

Flugplatz is reasonably easy in comparison.  No need to lift, just keep
away from the left-hand edge, stay nearer the centre, otherwise any
slight mistake in line can result in a wheel on the grass and guaranteed

Masta?  Nope, I can't take it flat out either.  Managed 184 mph through
there once, but that was really on the edge and I'm not sure if I got
through more by luck than judgement.

Monaco I can take the chicane at full throttle, but generally lift
slightly as I reach the crest where the chicane first comes into view.
Seems that otherwise I can lose the car quite easily.  Also a decent
ride height will prevent the car from bottoming.

BTW, good to see things are improving again, and after you thought you
had reached a peak not long ago.  The great thing about GPL is that if
one technique doesn't work then there are a myriad of other ones to try
out in the future until you hit on the one that works for you. :)


Peter Ives - (AKA Ivington)
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Help with hotlaps

by Eldre » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

>>I *know* I'm off the gas before the jump.  If I keep it on the floor,
>>NO way I can slow down before the turn.  This, Flugplatz(similar jump at the
>>Ring), Masta at Spa, and the chicane at Monaco are spots where the
>>hotshoes are
>>flat out.  I can't do it.  I can't for the life of me figure out how THEY do
>>it...<scratches head>

>Just lots of practice and trial and error I would imagine.  Like I said
>in another post about the jump at Mosport, if you turn in early after
>you land then the car doesn't seem to drift as wide.  I checked my PB
>replay and I do lift just slightly before the rise, dropping 1 mph and
>then I'm back on the gas doing 176 as I jump, then *** the brakes
>and turn in early.

Ok, you're at least 20mph faster than me there...

Flat out?  Then I can't slow down enough for the following right-hander.

175 ONCE.  I screwed up one of the later turns, though.  I average about
160-165, on a GOOD lap.

Out of the laps I ran tonight, I got through the chicane once at full throttle.
 Then promptly lost it in the next braking area.  I have enough problems just
getting THROUGH the chicane, let alone at speed...

It was short-lived.  See my other post. :(

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL hcp. +52.52

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Hena H?kk?ne

Help with hotlaps

by Hena H?kk?ne » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

>Flugplatz is reasonably easy in comparison.  No need to lift, just keep
>away from the left-hand edge, stay nearer the centre, otherwise any
>slight mistake in line can result in a wheel on the grass and guaranteed

AFAIK, the spot you get airborne in GPL is called Quiddelbacher H?he.
Flugplatz is the high point of the track just before you start your descent
towards Schwedenkreutz.

And please, no flames if I'm mistaken :)


Laurens de Jon

Help with hotlaps

by Laurens de Jon » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

That's correct.  But, where on the real 'Ring you'll see
the sign saying "Quiddelbacher H?he," in GPL you'll find
the same sign saying "Flugplatz". Go figure.

Some of the signs in GPL don't match those at the 'Ring,
at least today.  Others, amazingly, do: coming out of
the final Wippermann right-hander, I aim for the sign for
Eschbach in real life as well as in GPL.  Except that in GPL it
says "Brnnchen."  Oh well.

Correct again.  I think it's so tempting to believe "Flugplatz"
(airfield) is where you get airborne that people move it back a
little.  Not that it matters...

Anyone made a 'Ring patch for a Hedwigsh?he sign?  ;)

-Laurens de Jong, The Netherlands.


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Hena H?kk?ne

Help with hotlaps

by Hena H?kk?ne » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

Or Steilstrecke? I think there's a sign at the real Ring, between Klostertal
and Karusell? That's the name of the steep uphill shortcut from Klostertal
to H?he Acht?


BTW Laurens, we seem to be on the same mailing list, the Ringers? :)

Laurens de Jon

Help with hotlaps

by Laurens de Jon » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

It's said to be there but I've never seen it.  I'm always working
too *** the double right-hander there to have time to be
looking at any signs.  (I've also managed to miss a yellow flag
and warning triangle planted road-side at Hocheichen for three
consecutive laps.)  In 25 laps I've yet to take that bend
anything near correctly... tips are welcome.  :)

Yes, we are.  How was your trip?  I was there on July 23, talking
to some Dutch bikers who were... wearing Kevlar-patched Gore-Tex.
Just like you :)

-Laurens de Jong, The Netherlands.


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Tony Jeste

Help with hotlaps

by Tony Jeste » Sat, 05 Aug 2000 04:00:00

> Correct again.  I think it's so tempting to believe "Flugplatz"
> (airfield) is where you get airborne that people move it back a
> little.  Not that it matters...

But in the video "In-Car 956" Derek Bell says "it's vital to clear the
Flugplatz well because you've got a double right hander..."

He also refers to the Flugplatz as a "famous brow".  Wouldn't this
indicate at least he is refering to the jump???

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