>Sheesh. Why don't you just wait for Papyrus to do the REAL track when
>Sega's license is up at the end of the year? I'm sure, knowing their
>marketing prowess, that they'll bundle it with NRL. Can you imagine
>the sales on an add-on that has NASCAR league software AND the Daytona
>track in it?
the John Boy & Billy Big Show last week, talking about their simulation of the
NBA championship series, and their prediction that the Bulls would win it in
Anyway, they started talking about their Daytona GAME, and the guy said that
they have some more products (can't remember what) named Daytona coming out
next year. Sounds like they have renewed their license with the France
family. Knowing that Papyrus is now "in" with NASCAR, however, I would
hope that the France's gave Sega a new license with the stipulation that they
WOULD sub-license to Papyrus. We can only hope.
I just wish I had been able to call into the show that morning and kindly tell
John Boy and Billy (who are BIG NASCAR fans) about the whole Daytona debacle
with Sega.
Yes, PLEASE!!!
P.S. For those of you who don't know, John Boy (Johnny Isley) and Billy (Bill
James) are hosts of the syndicated John Boy and Billy Big Show, the number 1
morning radio show in the south. Their show originates out of C***te's
WRFX-FM, and they are friends with many of the top drivers in NASCAR. John
Boy, you may remember, ruffled a few feathers when he gave the command,
"Gentlemen, and Jimmy Spencer, start your engines!!" at North Wilkesboro
earlier this year.
Pat Campbell The Chevy Monte Carlo 6,94,88,16,4,25
Lexington, AL NASCAR's Wide Load War Eagle!!!
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