> "NSR looks stunningly gorgeous right out of the box so I have no idea
> what you are taking about."
> Perhaps you are used to a monochrome monitor at a 640x480 screen rez,
> or another ridiculously poor image display, but I expected a vast jump
> in visual quality over NT and NR2003. What I got was the same ISI type
> of graphics I have seen since F12000.
> I run on an 18" LCD at 1280x1024x32, with a P4 3.0ghz, 1024 RAM, Radeon
> 9800 Pro. I max out the detail levels on every screen from within the
> game and still get average display quality when compared to the same
> spot on the track from NR2003. Shimmering fences, jaggies galore (No AA
> allowed per the readme), and car models that are so unlike any NNC car
> that I ever seen up close. Even when I sacrifice some FPS by using AA
> (wtf is that anyway? It's 2005 and devs are making games that DON'T use
> modern GPU enhancements?) the image quality improves somewhat. I have
> to go to 6x AA to get the image that I want, but can't race with the 17
> fps that I now get at DAytona. Gee, what an option. Thanks EA!
> BTW, Paris Hilton, Brooke Burke, Anna Kournikova are all stunningly
> beautiful. NSR run as is, right out of the box looks like my big toe.