3 sec. behind

david kar

3 sec. behind

by david kar » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It's not the *** part--it's the sheer banality.

> >Your lack of manners is amazing.  I am embarrassed to even be a part of
> >this newsgroup sometimes.
> >-Tony-

>     As I (and others) have noted in this NG many times, I am an ***.
> you don't like what I write, killfile me.

> ~daxe

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3 sec. behind

by Larr » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I have the MSFFW and use it barefoot as well.  I have one word of warning,

The back-side of the pedal edges on the MSFFW are RAZOR sharp.  It look like
absolutely no smoothing is applied to the back side of the pedals at the

It will bite you (and I have used many a band-aid proving it) especially if
the pedals are too far away, and you wrap your feet around the back of them
to pull them towards you.  Instant cut.

Be careful :)


> >No, you're right that your hands and fingers are more sensitive than your
> >feet and toes.  That shouldn't surprise too many.  However, with practice
> >you will get accustomed to the pedals, and since you can run them on
> >separate axes allowing simultaneous throttle and brake application, you
> >should end up quicker.

> Someone earlier in this thread mentioned taking your shoes off when you
> the pedals on the MSFF.  I use either bare feet or socks and actually seem
> to use my toes rather than my whole foot.  I can recommend you try this,
> also.  I always make my Dad try out the latest racing sim/game and he
> seem to work the pedals because he can't even feel them with his shoes on!
> He wonders why the car won't move and it's because he inadvertently has
> brake depressed while he's trying to accelerate.  (And this is the guy who
> taught me to drive...uh oh!)

> >When I was using my old GP1, I found that using my
> >hands for throttle, brake, and shifting reduced my steering precision as
> >well.

> I don't have any problems with co-ordination, but using my hands for all
> these things seems nightmarish.  In the heat of a moment it just seems
> you would hit the wrong 'pedal' and up or downshift at an inopportune
> moment. (Visions of downshifting instead of upshifting in N3 come to mind,
> popping the motor with 2 laps to go) Plus, logistically, how do you reach
> the paddles all the time?  If they are stationary, then you can't have
> hands on the wheel to steer and shift, and if they travel with the wheel
> they do on the MSFF) then they can get to a pretty strange angle to try
> reach, let alone squeeze/press with accuracy.

> Look Ma, no rudeness!

> daxe

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Daxe Rexfor

3 sec. behind

by Daxe Rexfor » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>I have the MSFFW and use it barefoot as well.  I have one word of warning,

>The back-side of the pedal edges on the MSFFW are RAZOR sharp.  It look
>absolutely no smoothing is applied to the back side of the pedals at the

>It will bite you (and I have used many a band-aid proving it) especially if
>the pedals are too far away, and you wrap your feet around the back of them
>to pull them towards you.  Instant cut.

>Be careful :)

I have done this and not cut my feet, but I have skin like the hide of an
old elephant on my size 13 paws and I could probably walk across broken
glass and not feel it.

Good warning, though.  Get the sandpaper!


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Graeme Nas

3 sec. behind

by Graeme Nas » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Mine isn't like that....

Graeme Nash

Antti Markus Pete

3 sec. behind

by Antti Markus Pete » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

This is all very true but there's another side to it. I also like to play
barefoot and haven't smoothened the edges behind the pedals. I've noticed
that when the goin' gets tough I tend to wrap my great toe around the
accelerator and press it against the sharp edge. Mostly subconsciously,
but it does seem to help in maintaining concentration. Usually my friends
can tell just by looking at my toes whether I've recently managed to
break some of my PBs in GPL. Find this a bit odd? There are people who
think all GPL players are ***s.

Antti 'Scartoe' Peteri

       15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

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