I know cheating sucks, but when the computer does it to you it's time to
FIGHT BACK... Now if this situation happens to you again just do this to
"cheat" your way back to the top. pull out to the left and move forward
towards the next in line AI car's bumper. Now just move slightly enough
forward so that if you make a HARD RIGHT you will cause him to spin!! Ok,
now make that hard right and spin him out. Get on the brakes if you look
like you're gonna hit him. Now pass him, and move to the next car. You can
move yourself back into your original position this way. I've had the same
thing happen to me and that's what I did. And no you won't get a black flag
unless they tell you to, "Stay behind the "blah" car" I know it's
cheating, but in a sense it's not if you are cheated by the computer. I
also like to start a quick race with no pace lap or yellow flag, start last
and when the green flag comes out do a 180 and head the other direction!!
Then you'll get that msg "when you get a couple of hours, explain to me why
you did that" and "Looks like we got a little brain failure" Oh the crash
is intense!!! try it sometime if you're warped like me you'll like it!!
>>>caution rules for N2. I've seen AI cars blow past me going into pit lane
>>>under caution, without regard for passing me (on the inside even <G>).
>>This I think is a bug. Somehow the AI cars can go faster than you
>>without breaking the speed limit. Just drive wide so they can't pass
>The one that got me the other day was I was leading a race, had about a 7
>second lead on second place (it was shrinking, the pack was gonna hunt me
>and leave me for dead) when a couple of AI cars got tangled and the yellow
>came out. Having just crossed the finish line when this happened I kept my
>foot in it to race back to the yellow. I crossed the finish line in first
>place and immediately jumped on the brakes because I knew the crash was in
>turn one.
>Here's where the problem occurred. The pace car was down low and stopped
>because of the crashed cars and I shot past him before I could get stopped
>ended having to stop on the back stretch and wait for him. I kept myself
>moving about five miles an hour. The next ten cars behind me passed me,
>having passed the pace car and by the time the pace car caught up to me and
>fell in behind him I was in 11th place. Now that's bogus.
>The pace car and I began passing cars at 75 mph but, when the green flag
>dropped there were still six cars out in front of us and I restarted in
>seventh place. Did those AI cars get black flagged? Are you kidding?
>were dust in the wind as soon as the green dropped. You can bet your ass
>if I had stayed out in front of the pace car and in the lead, I would have
>been flagged for passing the pace car though. Seems to me if I have to
>a certain set of rules then the AI cars should surely follow the same