help with GP2 setups

Sean Gratt

help with GP2 setups

by Sean Gratt » Fri, 11 Sep 1998 04:00:00


I am experiencing oversteer,  even when I have lots of rear wing.

what other settings can I change to get rid of it?


Paul Tracy in F1!!!

Peter Gag

help with GP2 setups

by Peter Gag » Fri, 11 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> I am experiencing oversteer,  even when I have lots of rear wing.
> what other settings can I change to get rid of it?

Less front wing,
More rear brake bias,
Soften rear suspension,
Stiffen front suspension,
Try not to jump *on* the brakes and leap *off* the throttle,
Smooth = speed?


*Peter*    8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)

Phillip McNell

help with GP2 setups

by Phillip McNell » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi Sean.

Just citing oversteer is a little broad. There's different kinds
caused by different things that have different solutions.

High Speed Corner Oversteer - neutral(ish) acceleration or braking

Try more rear wing, or even less front  wing. This type of OS is more
of an overall balance thing rather than just one end of the car.
That's why you can actually fix it by adjusting the front end.

Braking Into Corner OS.

This is almost always caused by the rear brakes locking up inducing
OS. Adjust your brake balance more to the front. If you like to brake
deep into corner while turning you'll find you'll need the brake
balance moved towards to front quite a bit. How much depends on how
many braking Gs you're pulling. E.g. Braking from a 6th gear 206mph
straight into a slow 1st gear chicane will require a very forward
brake bias if you want to be able to steer the car while under such

Accelerating Out Of a Corner OS.

This could be either-or-both, lack of rear end grip or being too
enthusiastic with the accelerator. High speed grip is a combination of
mechanical grip and wing grip. The faster you go the more its to do
with wings and the less with the mechanics. Low speed grip is more
just mechanical grip. Mechanical grip is increased by softening the
suspension via the various adjustments available.  High speed grip is
increased by increasing the wings.

If you're over accelerating try to use a higher gear to accelerate
with. This reduces the gearboxes'  torque amplification effect and
makes it harder to spin the rear wheels. Or even adjust you low gear
ratios accordingly. Also feed in the power by degrees when
accelerating out of a corner. Especial a slow corner and especially
especially a slow corner that's going uphill. ( The greater the load
being overcome and the more the various forces are off-set from one
another the greater the rotational force created when accelerating.
Corners and hills exaggerate these rotational  forces. See ).


Phillip McNelley


help with GP2 setups

by _99_Nasty__F » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

When are u oversteering?, On entry, mid corner, turn in, exit, hi speed or
low speed corners?? etc etc??


>I am experiencing oversteer,  even when I have lots of rear wing.

>what other settings can I change to get rid of it?


>Paul Tracy in F1!!!

Sean Gratt

help with GP2 setups

by Sean Gratt » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

thanks very much.

and to all who answered.

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