These are several messages cross-posted from the flight sim group. I
hope some of the T2 gurus here might have an idea on how to fix this
Win95 & controllers).
Subject: Using T2 pedals as rudder pedals?
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 23:33:02 -0400
Is there any way to fool the computer into thinking my T2 pedals are
rudder pedals? I just plug in my x-fighter into the plug where the
wheel usually goes into on the pedals so I don't have to keep
plugs on the computer. The joy calibrates fine when I do this, but
I checked off Rudders/Pedals, Win95 then said I didn't have a joystick
plugged in. Is there any way around this?
Subject: Re: Using T2 pedals as rudder pedals?
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 23:31:10 GMT
I'm trying to do the same thing (with RB2) with little luck. It
seems that with the way things are set up, the pedals insist on
registering as axis #4, while it seems that RB2 doesn't read #4 if #3
doesn't exist. (It seems that the reason that some of the configs you
try are listed as "unplugged" or whatever is that all axes that should
be present are not sensed.) BTW, I'm using an older T2 without the
provided Win95 adapter and a simple CH Mach I joystick.
Two possible solutions seem to present themselves:
1. Going into the registry and coming up with a controller definition
that would read the pedals as axis #3. Beyond my knowledge. :(
<Oddly enough, the pedal is defined as the X2 axis by Thrustmaster, so
it looks like its Win95 that's assigning it to axis #4 >
2. Coming up with an adapter to swap the wires around so the pedals
are seen as axis #3. Possible, but a pain to get the info and build
the adapter (I could, but I'd rather be flying... :)
Any other kind soul out there have an easier solution?
Subject: Re: Using T2 pedals as rudder pedals?
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 00:10:12 GMT
Some tech info from the Thrustmaster web pages:
:1. Can I use the pedals from my T1/T2 as rudders?
:That depends on when the pedals were made. The pedals from all
:T1 wheels should work. For the T2, if you do not need a converter
:with your unit, you cannot use the pedals as rudders. If the unit
:shipped with the converter, you can use the pedals as rudders in
:your flight simulators. The pedals must run on axis X2 to function
:as rudders.? For more information on determining if the converter
:is built in, read the Axis Converter FAQ.
:2. What does the converter do?
:The converter modifies the way the computer reads the controller.
:Without the converter, the pedals will run on axis X2. With the
:converter plugged in properly, the pedals will run on axis Y1.
:Windows 95 cannot calibrate joysticks unless they have both a X1
:and Y1 axis, thus the converter is required for calibration
:within Windows.
:5. How do I know if I need the converter?
:With the T2:
:The axis converter stopped shipping with the T2 on November
:18, 1996. Instead of using the converter, the wires were
:modified inside the pedals to move them from the X2 axis
:to the Y1 axis. Check the date code on the bottom of the
:steering console to verify if the converter is needed with
:the T2. If the number reads 961118 or higher, a converter
:is NOT needed with this unit.
So it looks like the older (w/adapter) T2 (or T1) pedals are quite
capable of being used as rudder pedals. The problem seems to either
lie in the Win95 controller code or RB2s controller usage. :(
Before you send me UCE, I know what you're thinking... Did he complain
to five or six postmasters last month? Now, you must ask yourself one
question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do you, punk?