I've had them off for ages now :o)
I've found that I kept looking at the steering wheel/arms when cornering or
the car. It has led me to some sort of driver's oscilations (when you keep
correcting the
car from left to right and vice versa) which in turn lead me to a spin. I'm
much better off
if I look at front wheels turning then looking at the steering wheel turning.
Also, the amount of travel of my physical & virtual wheel isn't the same (I
turn 10deg physical and
get 15deg of virtual steering wheel travel) which made it hard to drive the car
It also improves your frame rate :o)
Turn it off, it helped me improve my times and consistency...
Tadej Krevh
Lotus Internet Racing
> I am just wondering if any sim racers (online or offline) have any views if
> assuming fps is 36(ish) on average, whether having the arms and steering
> wheel showing is an advantage or not in GPL. I have just tried for the
> first time racing without the arms and wheel graphics, and think that maybe
> I can anticipate the cars movements better. Anybody any views on this?
> Instinctively, I like the more 'authentic look', with arms and wheel.
> Steve