Also have one of the mentioned 80GB WD Special Editions, as well as a Maxtor
80GB in there. All are fine.
My old Maxtor's in my server (20GB, 30GB, two 40GB and a 60GB) have been
running for years, 24/7, and only one of the 40's has gone bad.
> So,
> this rules out WD as choice for the next drive.
> Anybody has recent experience with Seagate?
> JensSchumi
> >>Hey its funny you should say that,i have had 3 Maxtor ones go inside a
> >>all 120GB items after 5 years of none going at all and swearing by
> >>I agree something has definitely changed
> >I've lost 3 drive, all Western Digital. The most recent was a 120GB last
> > My current drives(120gb and 160gb) are Maxtors.
> >Roll the dice, I guess...
> >Eldred
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